Results 2341-2370 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Stepping into the post-office to put my letter in, I am pleased to find the enclosed left here...
Yours of the 18. Ulto. came duly to hand. I am sorry to find Mr. Key has decided to leave us—and...
Intending to visit E. Florida this spring, and being entirely unacquainted, I have so far...
I have receivd yours of the 19th. ulto., with a circular to the visitors, announcing the decision...
I have recd. Sir, your letter of Mar 27 inclosing seed of the Eggplant, and a Sample of the Tobo....
Beleiving that you would be surprized to find my official conduct impeached, I now forward the...
Motives of delicacy prevented my addressing the Visitors upon the subject of Mr Key’s appointment...
I wrote to you by the Mail this morning to acquaint you with the illness of our dear Father, & it...
I have recd. your letter of the 24th. In writing to Mr. Gallatin, I kept in view the shortness of...
This will be presented to you, by Mr. J. T. Shepherd whom I most cheerfully recommend to your...
I have recd. your letter of the 19th. inst. saying that the Trustees of the College recently...
I trouble you with another letter to Genl. Cocke, for reasons which I need not repeat. Be so good...
I think it proper to inclose you a copy of my letter to Mr. Gallatin, not merely for your...
With your letter of February 26 I received the Copy of Mr. Coldens Memoir on the New York Canals...
I owe you many apologies for so late an acknowledgment of your kind favor of the 2 inst.; but it...
After your kind offer, I make no apology for inclosing another letter which I wish to have the...
I am exceedingly sorry to learn, from your letter of the 18. that mr. Key has availed himself of...
Your letter of the 8th. is just recd & with it a copy of the Printed Circular on the same...
J. M present his respects to Mr. D, with thanks for the copy of his oration, before the...
I inclose a communication from President Cooper of the S. Carolina College. I have apprized him...
It is probably not unknown to you that the Visitors of the University of Virginia, anxious to...
¶ From James K. Paulding. Letter not found. 20 March 1827. Calendared in the lists probably made...
Your two letters of Jany. 17 & 22. were duly recd. I hope your health was restored as soon as was...
In the name, and by order, of the Board of Trustees, of “Madison College,” recently established,...
I recd. by the mail from Richmond your favor of the 12th. I was not un-apprized of the melancholy...
I have recd. from Mr Key the tender of his resignation as authorized by the resolution of the...
It is proper that I should lose no time in apprizing the Visitors of the University that the...
It being always somewhat uncertain whether Genl. Cocke will be found at Bremo, or at Charllle;...
I am extremely obliged by your kind letter, & the Pamphlet enclosed, which I have read with very...
I rec d . last week your Letter of the 5 th . of this month. Being engaged in collecting...