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Results 2341-2390 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
2341 Washington, George Dinwiddie, Robert From George Washington to Robert Dinwiddie, 12 January … 1757-01-12 Your letter of the 27th ultimo came to hand the 9th instant—I wrote to your Honor by Capt....
2342 Franklin, Benjamin Hubbart, Elizabeth From Benjamin Franklin to Elizabeth Hubbart, 13 January … 1757-01-13 ALS : American Philosophical Society Your Story is well told and entertaining Only let me...
2343 Washington, George Fairfax, William From George Washington to William Fairfax, 13 January … 1757-01-13 Letter not found: to William Fairfax, 13 Jan. 1757. On 22 Jan. 1757 Fairfax wrote to GW : “This...
2344 Washington, George Dinwiddie, Robert From George Washington to Robert Dinwiddie, 14 January … 1757-01-14 Letter not found: to Robert Dinwiddie, 14 Jan. 1757. On 26 Jan. 1757 Dinwiddie wrote to GW : “Yr...
2345 Lunan, Alexander Washington, George To George Washington from Alexander Lunan, 14 January … 1757-01-14 By order of Colo. John Carlyle of Alexandria I send You by the bearer John Spore —Two Matted...
2346 Franklin, Benjamin Memorandum on Allowances for Officers’ Quarters, 20 … 1757-01-20 Draft: Library of Congress The Commissioners voted to allow the Officers of the King’s Forces,...
2347 Washington, George Carlyle, John From George Washington to John Carlyle, 20 January 1757 … 1757-01-20 Letter not found: to John Carlyle, 20 Jan. 1757. On 22 Jan. 1757 Carlyle wrote to GW : “... In...
2348 Horsfield, Timothy Provincial Commissioners Timothy Horsfield to the Provincial Commissioners, 21 … 1757-01-21 Draft (incomplete): American Philosophical Society The last week Jo Peeby and Lewis Montour Came...
2349 Carlyle, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Carlyle, 22 January 1757 1757-01-22 After I had wrote to Capt. Mercer I find the Wagons will not Leave The Town before I finish This...
2350 Fairfax, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Fairfax, 22 January … 1757-01-22 This Evening I had the Pleasure to receive your Favor of the 13th inst. I desird only a Sketch...
2351 Waring, John Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from John Waring, 24 January 1757 1757-01-24 ALS : American Philosophical Society I trouble You with this [to inform you of?] the Death of a...
2352 Provincial Commissioners Denny, William Provincial Commissioners to William Denny, 25 January … 1757-01-25 MS not found; reprinted from I Pennsylvania Archives , III , 93–5. The ammunition and other...
2353 Pennsylvania Assembly Denny, William Pennsylvania Assembly: Remonstrance to William Denny … 1757-01-26 Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1756–1757 (Philadelphia,...
2354 Washington, George Hog, Peter From George Washington to Peter Hog, 26 January 1757 1757-01-26 Yours from Staunton of the 1st instant I have received. I am sorry you did not make a final...
2355 Dinwiddie, Robert Washington, George To George Washington from Robert Dinwiddie, 26 January … 1757-01-26 Yrs of the 12th I recd—I am very sorry for the Mutiny You mention on the So. Branch, & I greatly...
2356 Pennsylvania Assembly Franklin, Benjamin Pennsylvania Assembly: Appointment of Franklin as Agent … 1757-01-28 Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1756–1757 (Philadelphia,...
2357 Washington, George Cuninghame, James From George Washington to James Cuninghame, 28 January … 1757-01-28 When the inclos’d for His Excellency the Earl of Loudoun was wrote; I (as well as most others)...
2358 Pennsylvania Assembly Committee Pennsylvania Assembly Committee: Report on the Easton … 1757-01-29 Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1756–1757 (Philadelphia,...
2359 Franklin, Benjamin Collinson, Peter From Benjamin Franklin to Peter Collinson, 31 January … 1757-01-31 ALS : Pierpont Morgan Library The preceding are Copies of my late Letters; to which I have little...
2360 Franklin, Benjamin Strahan, William From Benjamin Franklin to William Strahan, 31 January … 1757-01-31 ALS : Huntington Library The above is a Copy of my last I have now before me your Favour of Sept....
2361 Franklin, Benjamin Charles, Robert From Benjamin Franklin to Robert Charles, 1 February … 1757-02-01 Draft: American Philosophical Society I receiv’d your several Favours of August 14. Sept. 18...
2362 Franklin, Benjamin Partridge, Richard From Benjamin Franklin to Richard Partridge, 1 February … 1757-02-01 Draft: American Philosophical Society It is long since I had any of your Favours. I should now...
2363 Dinwiddie, Robert Washington, George To George Washington from Robert Dinwiddie, 2 February … 1757-02-02 I detain’d Jenkins here till my Express arrived from Ld Loudoun. His Lordship has desired all the...
2364 Lewis, Fielding Washington, George To George Washington from Fielding Lewis, 7 February … 1757-02-07 I recd yours by Mr Buchanan with the Cash to purchase Mrs Buckners Carpenter, but as I am...
2365 Pennsylvania Assembly Denny, William Pennsylvania Assembly: Reply to the Governor, 9 … 1757-02-09 Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1756–1757 (Philadelphia,...
2366 Pennsylvania Assembly Committee Denny, William Pennsylvania Assembly Committee: Report on the … 1757-02-17 Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1756–1757 (Philadelphia,...
2367 McKenzie, Robert Washington, George To George Washington from Robert McKenzie, 18 February … 1757-02-18 I have been lately advised by my Friends to take a Step, which though it may tend to my...
2368 Bullitt, Thomas Washington, George To George Washington from Thomas Bullitt, 19 February … 1757-02-19 It is not Agreeable to my Inclinations to be Thus Troublesom as to my Repeated Letters for Leave...
2369 Loudoun, John Campbell, 4th Earl of Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from the Earl of Loudoun, 20 … 1757-02-20 Copy: Huntington Library As I have been informed by Mr. Colden, that You have been enquiring when...
2370 Franklin, Benjamin Mecom, Jane From Benjamin Franklin to Jane Mecom, 21 February 1757 1757-02-21 MS not found; reprinted from Jared Sparks, ed., A Collection of the Familiar Letters and...
2371 Franklin, Benjamin Coleman, William From Benjamin Franklin to William Coleman, 22 February … 1757-02-22 Copy, MS minutes: Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania Recollecting Coll. Ludwell’s...
2372 Franklin, Benjamin Parsons, William From Benjamin Franklin to William Parsons, 22 February … 1757-02-22 ALS : American Philosophical Society I thank you for the Intelligence from Fort Allen, relating...
2373 Pennsylvania Assembly Committee Pennsylvania Assembly Committee: Report on Grievances … 1757-02-22 Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1756–1757 (Philadelphia,...
2374 Cuninghame, James Washington, George To George Washington from James Cuninghame, 27 February … 1757-02-27 I had the honor to receive your letter from Fort Loudoun with one Inclosed to Lord Loudoun who...
2375 Washington, George Smith, William From George Washington to William Smith, March–April … 1757-03-01 [ March-April 1757 ]. The text of this letter is printed as Document III of “The Capitulation of...
2376 Washington, George Fairfax, William From George Washington to William Fairfax, 2 March 1757 … 1757-03-02 Letter not found: to William Fairfax, 2 Mar. 1757. On 22 Mar. 1757 Fairfax wrote to GW : “I rec’d...
2377 Franklin, Benjamin Loudoun, John Campbell, 4th Earl of From Benjamin Franklin to the Earl of Loudoun, 3 March … 1757-03-03 ALS : Huntington Library I thank your Lordship for the Information you have been pleas’d to...
2378 Franklin, Benjamin Ray, Catharine From Benjamin Franklin to Catharine Ray, 3 March 1757 1757-03-03 MS not found; reprinted from Jared Sparks, ed., A Collection of the Familiar Letters and...
2379 Franklin, Benjamin Authorization to William Frizzel to Carry Mail, 10 … 1757-03-10 ADS : Princeton University Library I do hereby permit William Frizzel, to carry and deliver...
2380 Washington, George Dinwiddie, Robert From George Washington to Robert Dinwiddie, 10 March … 1757-03-10 We may I think with great Propriety and Justice represent. That—The Virginia Regiment was the...
2381 Franklin, Benjamin A Testimonial, 11 March 1757 1757-03-11 Printed in John Gordon’s Mathematical Traverse Table, &c . Printed in the Year 1758, and Sold by...
2382 Chew, Joseph Washington, George To George Washington from Joseph Chew, 14 March 1757 1757-03-14 I arrived here from New London a few days agoe and hearing you was at Philadelphia trouble you...
2383 Read, Clement Washington, George To George Washington from Clement Read, 15 March 1757 1757-03-15 About 10 Daies agoe, there came to my House twenty Six Indians of the Cawtaba Nation, with two...
2384 Franklin, Benjamin Loudoun, John Campbell, 4th Earl of From Benjamin Franklin to the Earl of Loudoun: Answers … 1757-03-21 AD : Huntington Library When news that Lord Loudoun intended to hold a council of war in...
2385 Fairfax, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Fairfax, 22 March … 1757-03-22 I rec’d your Favor from Philadelphia dated the 2d inst. since which finding the Governor likely...
2386 Provincial Commissioners Young, James Provincial Commissioners: Order to Pay James Young, 23 … 1757-03-23 DS : Yale University Library Till the New Money to be struck by the One hundred Thousand Pound...
2387 Washington, George Campbell, John Memorial to John Campbell, Earl of Loudoun, 23 March … 1757-03-23 To His Excellency, The Right Honorable John Earl of Loudoun, General, and Commander in Chief, of...
2388 Franklin, Benjamin Ward, Samuel From Benjamin Franklin to Samuel Ward, 24 March 1757 1757-03-24 ALS : Nantucket Atheneum I inclose you some of the Grain called Whisk Corn, or Broom Corn. It...
2389 Hughes, John Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from John Hughes with Franklin’s … 1757-03-24 I. MS not found; reprinted from Pennsylvania History , VI (1939), 15; II. ADS : Yale University...
2390 Bullitt, Thomas Washington, George To George Washington from Thomas Bullitt, 24 March 1757 1757-03-24 I Recd yours Janry 1st wherein you was pleased to Signifie that I had not proceeded in a Regular...