James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Henry Clay, 4 April 1827

From Henry Clay

Washington 4 April 1827.

Dear Sir,

I duly received your letter of the 24th. ultimo, transmitting one for Mr. Gallatin, which I have taken pleasure in causing to be forwarded according to your request.

I have delayed answering your letter for the purpose of endeavoring to procure the Copies you desired of the pamphlet, of which, unfortunately, none remained in the office. Mr. Brent has, however, been able to obtain some, and I now forward, by the same Mail that carries this letter, half a dozen which, I hope, will reach you in safety. With the best respects of Mrs. Clay and myself to Mrs. Madison—I am faithfully Your obedt. Servt.

H. Clay.

Letterbook copy (printed in Hopkins et al., Papers of Henry Clay, 6:394).

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