George Washington Papers

To George Washington from the Board of War, 9 September 1780

From the Board of War

War Office [Philadelphia] Septr 9. 1780.


The board forwarded a letter yesterday from Col. Wood, to your Excellency, which contained some papers from Brig. Hamilton for New York.1 If they are permitted to go in, Lt Conolly Coan of the 62nd British regt, who brought them to this place—& who is permitted to return to Ireland, his native Country, by Congress, for the benefit of his Health—wishes still to be the bearer of them, as (he says) Genl Philips will expect to receive them at his hands. This Gentleman will stay at, or near Elizabeth Town, a week or ten days, in order to see Doctr Shields, his Friend.2 I have the honor to be With the highest respect Yr Excellency’s Most Obed. humble Servant

By ord. Ben. Stoddert Secy


2Lt. Conolly Coane’s friend was Hugh Shiell. GW replied to the Board of War on 15 September.

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