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Results 23181-23230 of 184,431 sorted by author
There are about four hundred of the Oneidas & Tuscaroras in & about Schenectady who from their Attachment to the Cause of the United States have been under the Necessity of abandoning their Settlements & taking Refuge under the Protection of the United States. These People are extremely wretched being destitute of Clothing & but precariously supplied with Provisions. It is unfortunately but...
Williamsburg, 5 Apr. 1780 . Encloses Maj. Quarles’ return of men raised in his last tour; Quarles “complains extremely” of inattention of county lieutenants to the execution of laws which fall within their departments. He has also applied for compensation for his services; six hundred dollars per month is recommended. Signed by Innes and Barron. Countersigned: “April 5. 1780. I approve of the...
Williamsburg, 21 Mch. 1780 . Recommendation of the purchase of a suit of colors from Jesse Taylor. Signed by Barron and Lyne. Counter-signed: “Approved. Th: Jefferson.” Tr in Board of War Letter Book ( MiU-C ), 1 p.; printed in Official Letters Official Letters of the Governors of the State of Virginia , ed. H. R. McIlwaine , ii , 109.
Mr Lewis (a Brother Deligate) has given Congress Information that Application had been made to your Excellency by a Flag from Genl Howe to permit Mrs Watts & Mrs Barrow the Pay Masters Wife to go to their Husbands in New York and at the same Time requested Congress to assi[s]t him with their Authority to obtain the Release of his Lady whom the Enemy would not permit to come out—the House...
Letter not found : from the Board of War, 10 Sept. 1779. On 18 Sept., GW wrote William Woodford and Peter Muhlenberg: “I have just received the Arrangement of the Virginia line from the Board of War—as settled at Middle Brook in March—which I inclose with a Copy of the Board’s Letter of the 10th Instant.”
Letter not found : from the Board of War, 26 March. GW wrote the Board of War on 29 March : “I have the honor to receive your favours of the 25th and 26th with the Commissions mentioned for the Connecticut Officers.”
The Board have been honoured with yours of the 22d enclosing Letters to Col. Bland & Lt Col. Washington. Copies of the Resolve of Congress have been sent to the Officers commanding these Regiments merely for their Information. The Board avoid in all Cases except by the immediate Direction of Congress giving any Orders about the Movement of Troops presuming these Matters more properly to come...
Printed text ( Journals of the Continental Congress , XVIII, 1181–82). The letter of 21 December from the Board of War has not been found, but it is summarized in the Journals , preceding the motion made the next day. For the possible context of this item, see Matthias Halsted to Virginia Delegates, 17 December 1780 , and n. 2. The delegates for Virginia laid before Congress a letter, of 21,...
The board have the honor to inclose a letter from Lt Col. Conolly. It being the opinion of Col. Maegaw, that Lt Col. Conolly might be able to negotiate his exchange for Lt Col. Ramsay were he upon the spot —The board submit the propriety of granting his request to your Excellency. I have the honor to be With the highest respect yr Excellency’s Most Obed. Hble Serv. ALS , DLC:GW . The board...
We have the Honour to enclose an Extract of a Letter from Mr Henry of Lancaster on the Subject of Hides whereby we find little good Effect has been produced from the Order you were pleased to give at our Instance for 2,000 to be sent to Philadelphia. The general Account of the Hides in Mr Hatfield’s Care deserves serious Attention & Enquiry as, if it be true, great Mismanagement must appear on...
The board request your Excellency’s opinion upon the Subject of the inclosed memorandum of Genl Green; dictated by the necessities of the Public. The boats mentioned are about 70, or 80 in number, & will command £14.00. or £1500 each. and not more than 100 barrels of Tar will be wanted for several months to come. I have the honor to be with the highest respect Yr Excellencys Most Obed. Hble...
The Board, from a variety of circumstances, think it probable that the British army may intend some Offensive operations against this State the ensuing Winter. Not only the exposed position of this Country, and its particular situation so favorable to the plans of predatory warfare, lead them to this opinion, but they are Strengthened in it, by the unsuccessful Attempt on the Savannah, and the...
The Board have the honor to inclose the extract of a letter from Genl Woodford, respecting the situation of his health, and his desire to be removed to a more Northerly climate: as the Board are satisifed of the truth of what the General alledges, they are much surprized that Sir Harry Clinton should be so wanting to humanity as to refuse so reasonable a request. The terms on which the General...
Lieut. Colo. Muter of the Artillery Colo. State Garrison Regiment. Major Matthews Lt. Colo. Artillery Captain Edmunds Major Artillery The Board having not in possession a Regular and proper Roster of the State Artillery, cannot certify precisely how far the chain of preferment occasioned by Colonel Muters removal may extend. We have specified the field promotions, and will notify those of a...
Letter not found: from the Board of War, 28 Dec. 1777. On 2–3 Jan. 1778 GW wrote the Board of War : “Your Favors of the 28th & 30 Ulto came to hand this Morning.”
By a letter just received from Capt. Starr it appears that many tanners in Connecticut are possessed of public leather, having received hides of the commissaries or officers of the troops which have been stationed in or marched thro’ that state; and that now they offer him in exchange shoes so bad that he is obliged to refuse to take them. They say they will give him better shoes if he will...
The Board of War wish to be informed by his Excellency whether the Henry Galley now at Hampton under repair and one side finished, shall be completed, and furnished for the protection of that post. As Vessells bound to Sea frequently make that their Harbour when wind bound and if not protected by a Galley or some other vessell of force they must, if chased up by the enemy, fall into their...
Letter not found : from the Board of War, 8 July 1779. GW wrote the Board of War on 11 July: “I am this morning honored with your letters of the 3 and 8th.”
[ Williamsburg, 4 Aug. 1779 . Minute in Board of War Journal (Vi) under this date: “This Board do recommend to his excellency the Governour and the honorable the Council, Mr. Theophilus Field as a proper person to be appointed a Lieutenant in the Navy of this Commonwealth.” Not located.]
For some time after the corps of artificers & Coren’s company of artillery for the laboratory were raised by Colonel Flower, pursuant to your Excellency’s orders, there was a good agreement between them: but at length the officers of artillery (themselves artificers) affected to despise the other officers, to whom the stile of artificers was annexed; and obeyed with reluctance the orders of...
The inclemency of the season having prevented the officer appointed to review and receive the new recruits raised under the act of Assembly concerning officers, soldiers, sailors, and marines, to perform the duties there prescribed on the days advertised in the gazette of December the 11th . The Board of War have changed the days of general rendezvous in the following manner, viz . At...
Letter not found : from the Board of War, 28 September. On 2 Oct., GW wrote to the Board of War: “I have this moment received yours of the 28th inclosing a Resolve of the same date directing the detention of Majors General Phillips and Reidhesel and their families untill the further order of Congress.” For an indication of additional contents of this letter, see GW to Abraham Skinner, 2 October.
The inclosed letter from General Thompson is transmitted to your Excellency to correct a mistake he made of the name of a captain in the 21st British regt proposed to be exchanged on parole, the board being informed that the determination of the matter is by Congress referred to your Excellency. We are, with great respect, your very obedt servants ALS , DLC:GW ; copy, MHi : Pickering Papers....
The Board do themselves the Honor to inclose you some papers relative to the annexing Porters, Jones, Lees and the Company late Corens to the regiment of Col. Procter. The Board would be glad Your Excellency would be pleased to arrange them in such manner as you think proper, under the powers delegated to you by Congress. If however you should think proper to decline it from any reasons which...
When Capt. Joel was committed to our Charge we thought it proper to examine him & among a Variety of Matter of an unimportant Nature he informed us of there being a Major General in the Service of America who was in British pay. As we conceived this to be a Tale calculated to magnify his Importance or to extract Money from the public we contented ourselves with mentioning the Circumstance to...
Letter not found : from the Board of War, 9 Sept. 1778. On 19 Sept., GW wrote the Board of War : “I have been honoured with the Boards Letter of the 9th Inst.” In a report of the Board of War to Congress on clothing, 5 Oct. 1778, they stated: “In a letter of the 9th [to GW] we suggested that the drafts were not intitled to new cloathing—that where necessity obliged us to clothe them, it might...
As the removal of the public Boards and Public Shops to Richmond may be Attended with very great inconvenience for the want of houses, The Board recommends to his Excellency the Governor to direct that all the escheated houses in Richmond be purchased for public use. Tr in Board of War Letter Book ( MiU-C ).
Letter not found : from the Board of War, 30 Sept. 1779. On 8 Oct., GW wrote the Board of War: “I have been honored with yours of the 30th ulto on the subject of Major Francis Murray’s exchange for the Hessian Major Stein lately captured.”
Letter not found : from the Board of War, 31 March 1779. GW wrote in his letter to the Board of War of 10 April : “I have been duly honored with your favour of the 31st of, March, which, through hurry of business has been hitherto unanswered. From the relation in several respects between the duties of the office of Adjutant General and those of the Inspectorship; I pe[r]ceive advantages that...
Letter not found : from the Board of War, 26 Feb. 1779. GW wrote the Board of War on 4 March : “I recd yours of the 26 inclosing papers relating to the arrangement of the Army.”
Letter not found : from the Board of War, 16 Sept. 1779. On 22 Sept., GW wrote the Board of War: “I was yesterday honored with yours of the 16th: the general Return of Military Stores accompanying it was delivered safely to me.”
I have the Honour to enclose several Resolutions of Congress relative to two Expeditions intended to be undertaken against the Indians. Had our Affairs permitted an earlier Attention to this Business or our Abilities in the Articles of supply enabled us sooner to proceed in it much Distress to the Inhabitants of the Frontiers would have been avoided. But as the principal Armies were our...
The board do themselves the honor to forward returns of Maj. Lee’s Corps, Von Heers Corps, Schots Corps—& of five Companies of the German Regiment, which are all the returns they have, of those requested in your Excellencys favors of the 15th & 18th instant. Col. Armand is now in the City, & is directed to have a return of his Corps prepared; which will be forwarded as soon as finished—but...
I do myself the Honor to transmit your Excellency, copies of sundry Letters from south Carolina, giving intelligence of the Military operations in that quarter. I have the Honor to be with the highest respect Your Excellency’s Most Obedient and very Hble Servt ALS , DLC:GW . Board of War secretary pro tempore Joseph Carleton apparently enclosed copies of three letters: Maj. Gen. Benjamin...
We beg leave to inclose to you copies of two letters to Congress from Baron Steuben & Mr Galvan, the originals of which have been referred to this board. Baron Steuben & Baron de Kalb have written to us on the subject of those letters; and we have seen your Excellency’s certificate relative to Mr Galvan. From the whole, as well as from our own observation in repeated conversations, we are...
The board have recd a letter from Col. Wood at Charlotteville, wherein he mentions “that he is well assured that the Offering pardons to all deserters from the Virg. Line who will surrender themselves at that post by a given time, would be productive of good effects; & that we should recover a great number of Men by it, who otherwise may probably seek an asylum in the New Country.” The board...
[ Williamsburg ] 11 Nov. 1779 . A statement of the duties of the state clothier. Signed by Innes, Nelson, Barron, Griffin, and Lyne. Countersigned: “In Council Novr. 15th. 1779. Approved. Th: Jefferson.” Tr in Board of War Letter Book ( MiU-C ); 2 p.
We had the honour of receiving your letter of the 14th inst. by Captain Bowman, who arrived here yesterday, with capt. Joel, whom we have committed to the care of Colo. Nichola to keep in safe custody, at the same time to treat him with kindness and respect; in which condition he will remain till we hear further from your Excellency. We regret that Genl Knyphausen should not think himself...
Congress having been pleased to grant to the Marquis de Vienne (a major in the armies of his most Christian Majesty) the brevet commission of Colonel —we do ourselves the honour to signify it to your Excellency; and to intimate the wishes of the Marquis to be employed in some service of utility to the states, and in which he may have an opportunity to manifest his military talents & zeal for...
Captain McIntire the Bearer represents to the Board that from some former Orders of ours he does not think himself at Liberty to leave the Western Department & join the main Army & has desired a Letter to your Excellency containing our Assent to his serving in the Army under your immediate Command. We have represented to him the Embarrassments which will attend his Promotion or Command in the...
We have before the Reciept of your Excellency’s Letter on the Subject press’d the Commercial Committee to procure a farther Supply of Powder. We have confidentially informed Monsr Gerard of our real Situation & requested his interesting himself on his Arrival in France to expedite one hundred Tons of Powder, one hundred Tons of Lead & ten thousand Arms so as to arrive before the Spring & he...
We have been honoured with your Excellency’s Letter of the 26th Ulto. Our Information to you on the Subject of Col: Humpton’s Orders for Boots & Shoes was not intended to be the Occasion of giving you so much Trouble. We are however obliged by your State of the Matter as it will enable us to judge of the Propriety of any future Applications under similar Circumstances. If our Stock of Leather...
Letter not found : from the Board of War, 15 July 1779. GW wrote the Board of War on 22 July: “I have now to acknowledge the Honor of Your Several Letters of the 28 Ulto and of the 10th 11th 14th & 15th Instant with the several papers & Commissions to which they refer.” GW also wrote the Board of War on 25 July: “I am honored with your two letters of the 15th and 16th.”
By a private Letter from your Excellency shewn to one of the Board by General Wayne it appears your Opinion is different from ours on the Subject of the Quota’s the States are to raize. We were directed by Congress to give Information to the Legislature of New Jersey on an Application from the Government of that State on a Question put to Congress & sent them the Letter of which the enclosed...
Letter not found: from the Board of War, 24 Dec. 1777. In his letter to Henry Laurens of 1 Jan. 1778, GW refers to receiving a letter from the secretary of the board of the “24th ulto,” and in his letter to the Board of War of 2–3 Jan., GW writes that “Your several Letters of the 23d, 24th & 27th Ulto have been recieved.”
The Board request your Excellency will be pleased to furnish them with an account of the places you have fix’d upon as Magazines for State supplies of provisions throughout the United States specifying the quantity and quality of the articles which you have directed to be deposited at the several posts. I have the honor to be with the highest respect Yr Excellys Most Obedt Servt LS , DLC:GW ....
We have the Honour to enclose Copies of the Letters passed between Council & the Board relative to the Pennsilvania Cloathing. By these Enclosures your Excellency will perceive the State of that Bussiness. We beg your Excellency will be pleased to inform the Board of the Number of Troops detached for the Southward under the late resolution of Congress that we may order the Means of...
Williamsburg, 29 Mch. 1780 . Appointment to command the detachment of Virginia troops, consisting of “volunteers of the State Garrison Regiment, The greater part of Marshalls Corps of Artillery and two Troops of Nelsons horse,” to be under Porterfield’s “absolute controul and Command” and to be prepared “to march on the Shortest notice” to Charleston, S.C.; also instructions for procedure....
The Board have been honoured with your Letter of the 3d inst. We are taking every Measure in our Power to procure Shot & Shells & shall provide the greatest Quantity our Means will enable us. We agree with your Excellency in the Expediency & Propriety of looking forward to another Campaign in all Supplies necessary for the Army. Nothing shall be wanting on our Parts but we fear the public...
The Board have a Plan of Intelligence accompanied with some other Matters of which we will hereafter inform your Excellency & which being communicated to a Comittee of Congress has been approved by that Comittee. To carry this plan into Execution we have employed Major Howell late of the 2d Jersey Regt commanded by Col. Shreve. Major Howell desires that, to facilitate the Measures we have...