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Results 23161-23170 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
A Pamphlet has been published, in England, under the Title of “a memorial to the Sovereigns of Europe, on the present State of Affairs, between the old and new World.” It is Said to have been written by Governor Pownal, and, after an Acquaintance with his style, for more than twenty Years, I find So many quaint Words, and unintelligible Expressions, intermixed with so much Knowledge of...
Agreeably to the request in your letter of the 13th. instant, I enclose the copy of your petition to the Supreme Court at New Orleans. I am &c. DNA : RG 59—DL—Domestic Letters.
Agreable to your Orders of the 12 of November I marched from Easton with the Company Under my Command and arrived at this post on the 16 Instant without the loss of a Single ma n or any other casualty We performed the March In Twenty two Days not withstanding being deteined three Days by bad weather—I am Sir with every Sentiment of Respect your Most Obedient Humble Servan t ( ALS , Hamilton...
It is with distress I find that the troops are every where a head of their supplies. Not a shoe, blanket or ounce of ammunition destined for this place is yet arrived—except what Mr. Wright conductor for the Pensylvania division brought on with him. I begin to fear infidelity in some of your conductors of Waggons. For Heaven sake send forward a man that can be depended upon on each route to...
AL (draft): American Philosophical Society Dr. F. presents his respectful Compliments to Sir J. Pringle, is much oblig’d to him for the Trouble he has so kindly taken in the Affair of the Silk, and is very happy to learn that the Queen has graciously condescended to accept it with a Purpose of wearing it. Her Majesty’s Countenance so afforded to the Raisers of Silk in Pennsylvania (where her...
Philadelphia, December 28, 1790. Discusses “the design of Erecting Piers Opposite to the Borough of Chester” on the Delaware River. ALS , RG 26, Lighthouse Estimates, Delaware, National Archives.
Previous to the reception of your two Letters of the & Instant I had been informed of our disappointment with regard to the Arms expected from France; Mr Izard made no secret of their detention or the cause —The distress I foresaw this disappointment would bring upon us determind me on a measure for which, if disapproved by your Excellency, I must be answerable. I engaged General Howe to write...
I have shipped for you, on board the Brig Hope Capt Fisher, bound to Alexandria, two Cases of Hermitage Wine, sent to me from Tain by order of Mr Cathalan, and one barrel of white wine, from the Estate of Madam La Rochefoucauld, at Cahuzac in the department of the Dordogne. These wines reached me so late in the fall that I thought it prudent to keep them in my cellar until this time rather...
I have made known to you of going on to Annapolis in the year 1800—and put a card into the Newspaper printerd at this city that brought out Judge Dewala to write essays which was inserted in all the Newspapers through the Unit States that was not in the federal interest as I am getting in years I think you should notiece me—and shall expect it at your death when it shall please the allmighty...
Extract: American Philosophical Society; copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania The Share allotted by the Lords of the Treasury to Pensylvania and the Lower Counties, of the Parliamentary Grant for 1758, was £29,993. The Rule their Lordships follow’d in the Division of the £200,000 was, to proportion the Sums for each Colony according to the Number of effective Men each had in the Field....