George Washington Papers

To George Washington from the Board of War, 13 April 1780

From the Board of War

War Office [Philadelphia] April 13th 1780.


The board request your Excellency’s opinion upon the Subject of the inclosed memorandum of Genl Green; dictated by the necessities of the Public.1 The boats mentioned are about 70, or 80 in number, & will command £14.00. or £1500 each. and not more than 100 barrels of Tar will be wanted for several months to come. I have the honor to be with the highest respect Yr Excellencys Most Obed. Hble Sert

by ord.
Ben. Stoddert Secy


1The enclosed undated memorandum from Maj. Gen. Nathanael Greene reads: “There was a large number of Boats built up the Susquehannah the last Campaign for the Indian Expedition, great part of which are no longer necessary; unless there is some Offensive operations in view up that River. Will it not be best to sell them? They are very valuable. There is also at Middleton about 40 [thousand] or 50 [thousand] Feet of Boards, which were purchased for Building of Boats; these may be Sold. There is also, in this City, upwards of 400 Barrells of Tar, Pitch and Turpentine, which I think may be Sold” (DLC:GW; see also John Cox to Greene, 7 Nov. 1779, and Greene to Cox, 12 Nov. 1779, in Greene Papers description begins Richard K. Showman et al., eds. The Papers of General Nathanael Greene. 13 vols. Chapel Hill, N.C., 1976–2005. description ends , 5:26–28, 50–51).

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