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Results 23151-23160 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
23151General Orders, 4 May 1777 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
Letter not found: from Capt. Caleb Gibbs, 4 May 1777. Gibbs docketed GW’s letter to him of 1 May in part: “Answerd. 4 May.”
The Attention of the Enemy appears of late to be much turned upon this State, We have for some time been repeatedly advised of it, & now realize it, a few days since They landed at Fairfield to the number of near three thousand it is said, under Genl Erskine & made a forced march to Danbury about twenty two miles & there burnt & destroyed 1700 barrels of Pork, 50 Do Beef, 700 bushels of wheat,...
I had the honour of your favour of the 15th of March last, and feel myself greatly Obliged by the kind reception you were pleased to give my last disturbance, The Countenance you then gave me, the polite manner in which you have Encouraged me to An Undertaking of the same kind, & the hopes I have of doing some service to the Common Cause have Emboldened me again to Interrupt your Excellency,...
We have no late Arrivals no foreign Intelligance. The Affair of Danbury has wholly Engrossed the Conversation here for a week past, and we were never able to determine whether what we heard was true or false, or even that there had been an Expedition there till Yesterday, when we were beyond a doubt Ascer­ tained of the loss of the Stores there, and the Indelible Stigma fixed on the N. England...
ALS : American Philosophical Society An express is going to Nantes at twelve o Clock this Day. I pray to see you previous, to determine on what sum shall be paid Capt. Bell, who is about to leave Nantes, and go into the service of the Gentlemen who are sending to him express. And he will be uneasy to have it determined upon. I am Sir your most Obedient and Very Humble Servant Addressed: To /...
23157General Orders, 5 May 1777 (Washington Papers)
His Excellency the Commander in Chief directs, that the strictest attention, and obedience, be paid throughout the Army, to the following resolutions of the Hon’ble the Continental Congress—viz. Resolved. That there be one Physician and Surgeon General, for each seperate Army, who shall be subject to the controul of the Director General, and Deputy Director General, of the District wherein he...
I am favoured with yours of the 1st instant by Capt: Lush, with Copies of the proceedings of the Courts Martial upon the case of Capt: Martin and those of Several persons accused of treasonable practices. As the proceedings against the latter, can be only sent for my opinion, I having no right to interfere in the matter, I would recommend the execution only of the most notorious, and such,...
I was this morning honored with your Letter of the 2d Instt, covering One for Mr Boudinot, which shall be delivered him. I wish the Bills transmitted to him, had been for a larger Sum, and I trust, in a few days they will be followed by Others or a Supply of Money. Mr Boudinots address, is, Commissary Genl of prisoners, in the Army of the United States of America. I have the Honor to be with...
I was this morning honored with your letter of the 3d Inst., with its inclosures. General Arnolds promotion gives me much pleasure; he has certainly discoverd in every instance where he has had an opportunity, much bravery, activity and enterprise; But what will be done about his Rank? he will not act most probably under those he commanded but a few weeks ago. I trust the appointment of Mr...