James Madison Papers

To James Madison from George Graham, 4 May 1827

From George Graham

Washington May 4th. 1827.

Dear Sir

I now enclose the Copy of a fragment of a Letter from Coll. Geo: Mason dated the 2d of Octr. 1776, alluded to in my last communication to you.1 This fragment written in the hand writting of Coll. Mason closes the last page of a sheet of paper, the residuary pages are Missing—altho the paper is not addressed to any one it is known to have been a Copy of a Letter from Coll. Mason to Coll. Geo: Mercer then in London. I very much regret that the residue of this Copy cannot be recovered—yours very sincere[l]y

Geo: Graham

RC (NN). Enclosure not found, but see n. 1.

1For the enclosure mentioned here, see Graham to JM, 27 Apr. 1827.

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