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Results 2311-2320 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
From the appearances of Several fires the last night there is reason to apprehend that the Enemy have destroyed the Works & evacuated Verplanks point. I have Sent out Several parties to make discoveries & to harrass them if possible. In obedience to your Excellencys orders the Brigades will move into the Highlands. Permit me to Suggest on Account of the great Scarcity of Forage in the...
With this I forward the supplementary Statement suggested in my letter of the 30th: Ulto., in relation to Prisoners. I also enclose a Duplicate of the Account, lately furnished Genl. Armstrong of my appropriations of the sums advanced by him on Account of Government, for the objects therein stated, and already mentioned in my former letters to you. I hope you will approve this Acct., & that it...
Je Lhonneur de prende La libertee de madresser a vous et vous prier de rende service a une malheureuse famille, je suis un Colon de Ste. Domingue; après quinze annees d’Experience sur la Culture de cette Colony, après avoire perdu toutes mes proprietées par les Incendies, depuis dix ans je me suis retiré avec mon Epouse et un Enfant dans l’Etat de Newyork, et depuis ma famille est augmente...
Captain Peery who commands a Company at Lewis-Town writes me as follows—“Lewis Octr ye 5th 1777. This morning 36 sails of the Enemy’s Ships went past this Town up the Bay, and this Evening 47 more were seen from the Light House Standing in for the Cape, and While writing being nine OClock find by the Lights in the Bay and firing Signal Gun they have Anchored in our Road.”—Captain Peery Says...
Mr: George Morton Junr. of this town is engaged with a company for the errection of salt works have made contracts for the suitable lumber necessary for this purpose at Portland. He wishes to be permitted to proceed to that place for this specific object: I can only say, that I believe his intentions to be pure & correct in this business, & that his gen[e]ral character is that of integrity &...
2316[March 29. Sunday. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
March 29. Sunday. 1778. Becalmed all the last night. This morning a vast number of Sails were in Sight. Saint Martins and Oleron were visible, at least the Towers and Windmills, but the Land was very low and level. A Pilot boat, with two Sails and four Men, came on board of Us, and the Pilot instantly undertook to carry Us to Bourdeaux. He said the Ship might go quite up to the City, if she...
I wrote you on the 5th. covering an open letter to Colo. Monroe. Since that I have received yours of Apr. 29. We are going on here in the same spirit still. The Anglophobia has seised violently on three members of our council. This sets almost every day on questions of neutrality. H. produced the other day the draught of a letter from himself to the Collectors of the customs, giving them in...
I can not let so fair an opportunity pass for renewing my former acquaintance with you, and of offering my Warmest Congratulations upon your being placed at the Head of our Government, an event which fills the hearts of all true Republicans with joy! the more so (if possible) from the unwarrantable opposition which has been made. This last act of Fœderalism went far towards filling up the...
There is this day a Confirmation of the News of the taking the fleet mentioned in my Letter —with this addition that there is 62 instead of 55 taken—they had great quantities of provisions and warlike Stores on board, a considerable quantity of Brass Ordinance also, which they were carrying to their fleets and Armies—this Event is very unhappy for the English, and has sunk their funds. The...
 The Bearer Mr. Hopkins was charged with public Despatches (of great importance) to the Secretary of State, and I trust will have safely delivered them, when he presents you with this Letter.—  Mr. Hopkins is desirous of obtaining a Commission in the Army of the U. States; He is a young Man of amiable disposition, correct habits, and good Judgment—I can venture, therefore to recommend him to...