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Results 23101-23150 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Voici mon Illustre Docteur le catalogue des graines...
Copy: Library of Congress With this, you will receive Dispatches; with which you are to sail with...
This is King Tammany’s Day. Tammany was an Indian King, of this Part of the Continent, when Mr....
Copy and transcript: National Archives; copy: Harvard University Library The commissioners had...
ALS (draft): American Philosophical Society It was with great Pleasure I received lately the...
AL (draft): Library of Congress; LS : Massachusetts Historical Society I thank you for your kind...
ALS (draft): Library of Congress I received your kind Letter of Feb. 28. which gave me great...
ALS : University of Virginia Library; letterbook copy: Yale University Library Capt. Nicholson is...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Being one of the Committee for Foreign applications I had it...
23110General Orders, 1 May 1777 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
Immediatly on the Receipt of your Excellency’s Letter of 23d Ultimo I ordered one third Part of...
It is very unhapy, that with the sincerest desire to be useful to my Country, I see myself so...
A Letter from Mr Fitzgerald, written to you a few days ago, would inform you that we have no...
I last night received your Letter of the 29th Ulto, with its several inclosures. I regret much,...
We have promoted Arnold, one Step this day, for his Vigilance, Activity, and Bravery, in the late...
Dr. Brownson, a Delegate from Georgia, in Congress, and a worthy, Spirited, sensible Man A Native...
The interesting intelligence of your Letter occasioned my sending it to Council as soon as I...
Your favor of April 22d. came to hand a few days since. General Lincoln is deservedly acquited...
ALS (two drafts): Library of Congress It would be a pleasure to me if I could comply with your...
Two LS : American Philosophical Society; three copies: National Archives On April 17, 1777,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society We have striven, to the utmost of our limited powers, for...
23122General Orders, 2 May 1777 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
23123Council of War, 2 May 1777 (Washington Papers)
At a Council of General Officers held at Baskenridge the 2d day of May 1777. Present His...
The necessity of having regular Magazines of Provision for subsisting the Army, wheresoever It...
We are obliged to trouble your Excellency with the enclosed letter for Mr Boudinot containing a...
I was this morning favoured with yours of the 21st and 22d instants, containing the pleasing...
In pursuance of your Excellency’s Requisition of the 29 ult’mo (which I had the honor of...
I receivd your Excellency’s Letter of the 19th of April & shall take every Possible Method for...
Letter not found: to Col. Edward Stevens, 2 May 1777. Stevens referred in his letter to GW of 15...
Yours of April 3d I received. I must confess, that I am at a Loss to determine, whether it is...
It is a long time since I have had the pleasure of a Line from you. I was in hopes to have seen...
Morristown [ New Jersey ] May 3, 1777. Transmits congressional resolve concerning defense of...
Morristown [ New Jersey ] May 3, 1777. Approves detention of Seward’s company. States that the...
Morristown [ New Jersey ] May 3, 1777. Transmits congressional resolve concerning defense of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr. Deane having promissd to explain my ideas of the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society En vous proposant de vive voix d’etablir dans votre patrie...
ALS : American Philosophical Society At the request of Captain John Robarts of the Schooner Mary...
23138General Orders, 3 May 1777 (Washington Papers)
Major Painter is to superintend the Artificers, and Works, in and about Morristown, until further...
Your Letter of the 27th Ulto is now before me. Mr Harrison having lost, or mislaid your Letter...
Being unacquainted with the places proper for establishing magazines of Flour in Ulster and where...
Your favour of 22nd April I received Yesterday, by which I observe that your Regiment is not so...
I was yesterday honored with your Letter of the 29th Ulto, inclosing Sundry Resolves. Agreable to...
The enclosed Resolves, relative to a Variety of Subjects, are all that I have in Charge from...
Yesterday morning Mr Champney delivered me your very agreeable favour, containing the Account of...
Your detention of apart of Capt. Sewards Company of Artillery, for the reasons you assign, is...
In consequence of advices, received by Congress of the preparations making by General Carleton to...
I received your Favor of the 30th Ultimo; and am obliged to You for the Trouble You have taken,...
As Mrs Washington never receiv’d the Jallop and Calomel you promised her—As the Small Pox, by my...
Your favour of 24th of April I received Yesterday, with the arrangements &ca inclosed. It is with...
Inclosed with this you have an Evening Post, containing some of the tender Mercies of the...