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Results 23101-23130 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
ALS : British Museum I received your Favour of Feb. 27. per Capt. Carver, and thank you for giving me an Opportunity of being acquainted with so great a Traveller. I shall be glad if I can render him any Service here. The Parliament remain fix’d in their Resolution not to repeal the Duty Acts this Session, and will rise next Tuesday. I hope my Country-folks will remain as fix’d in their...
ALS (draft): American Philosophical Society It was with great Pleasure I received lately the Letters of my Friends from Boston by Capt. Adams. They were the first that got to hand since I left America. I thank you for your kind Congratulations on my safe Arrival here, and for your good Wishes. I am, as you supposed, treated with great Civility and Respect by all Orders of People; but it gives...
ALS : British Museum I have just received your kind Favour of Jan. 1. by Mr. Bowdoin, to whom I should be glad to render any Service here. I wrote to you some Weeks since in Answer to yours of July and November, expressing my Sentiments without the least Reserve in Points that require free Discussion, as I know I can confide in your Prudence not to hurt my Usefulness here by making me more...
L : Henry E. Huntington Library; copy: Library of Congress I received your kind Letter of the 8th. of September, and am much oblig’d by the Intelligence it contain’d.— Please to make my Compliments of Congratulation acceptable to Mr. Hancock, on his being chosen the first Governor of his free Countrymen. I am persuaded he will fill the Seat with Propriety and Dignity. Dr. Lee’s Accusation of...
This Evening I was favoured with yours of 24 March, by Major Ward. I thank you, sir for your kind Attention to me, and for affording me an opportunity, of renewing a Correspondence which has been interrupted on my Part, by an incessant Application to Business, and by some little Diffidence in the Post, depend upon it, by no Diminution of Friendship or affection. Our Country sir, is in an high...
Mr. Hare, a Brother of Mr Robert Hare, the Porter Brewer in this City is bound to Boston. He has boarded, Sometime in the Same House with me, and is very desirous of seeing the Town of Boston. He is travelling to Boston merely from the Curiosity of a Traveller, and meddles not with Politicks. He has an Inclination to see the public Buildings, your Church and the Chappell particularly. I Should...
I am favored with your Letter of the 12th instant—and am much obliged to you for the Transcript of Mr Adams’s Letter, which you have been so good as to communicate. The accounts we receive from Europe, of the Negociations at Paris, are so various, & of such a contradictory Nature, that it is next to impossible to form any consistent Judgment upon them—or to determine what are the real...
LS : Henry E. Huntington Library The Bearer, M. de Bannes is exceedingly well recommended to me by Persons of the first Distinction in this Country. He goes over to America with a View of seeing the Country, & of being serviceable to the Government here, who may here after probably confer on him one of the Counsulships. He appears to be a sensible Young Man, and will I doubt not, make himself...
Your kind favour of July 1st. is before me, and I feel myself much obliged to you for it, as well as for your generous Endeavours, to console my dear Mrs. Adams under her anxiety. Our Ennemies discover the Meanness of their Souls in nothing more than in the low Lyes they make and propagate merely to distress, private Families. A very great Number, have been fabricated, Simply to afflict that...
ALS : British Museum I received your Favour by Mr. Jefferies. I should have been glad if in any thing I could have serv’d him here. The Part I took in the Application for your Degree, was merely doing Justice to Merit, which is the Duty of an honest Man whenever he has the Opportunity. I did that Duty indeed with Pleasure and Satisfaction to myself, which was sufficient: But I own the Pleasure...
Yours of May 23, I received but 3 days ago, and am happy to find so agreable an Intercourse of good offices between the People and the french Gentlemen who have been lately there. The final Accomplishment of the great Work of a civil Constitution, I hope soon to hear is followed by a wise and Satisfactory Choice of Officers to administer the Blessings of it. If the People are not happy under...
This Moment I recieved your kind favor of this day’s date. Coll. Johonnot and my young Friend, Sammy Cooper, are well on Board. This young Gentleman, Sir, shall have the best Care taken of him, in my power, and the same with my own. Your kind Assurances that you will inform Me of what passes, give me great pleasure, and will be of great use to Me. I shall write You as often as possible. My...
ALS : British Museum This letter contains Franklin’s first extant response to the Boston Massacre. He mentions it in closing, almost in passing, but news of it certainly underlay his discussion of the larger issue of a standing army in America. That discussion led him on to the argument, more carefully worked out than ever before, that for a century past Parliament had usurped an authority...
This will be delived you by the Marquis your Friend. Your Grandson is well and very contented. He has seen the World, to be sure,—such a Part of it, that none of the rest can ever be superlatively disagreable to him hereafter. Spain is a fine Country—or as my Parson Bryant said of Hezekias, he would be the best Man in the World if he had no Religion, so I can say that Spain would be one of the...
LS : British Museum; ALS (letterbook draft): Library of Congress I wrote to you on the 7th Instant pretty fully, and am since favor’d with yours of June 14. I am much pleased with the Proposal of the Virginia Assembly, and the respectful manner in which it has been received by ours. I think it likely to produce very salutary Effects. I am glad to know your Opinion that those Letters came...
LS : Reprinted from Earl P. L. Apfelbaum, Public Auction (June 3–4, 1976). <Passy, August 24, 1783: Recommends M. Bertaud, a surgeon, to Cooper’s> Notice and Civilities, and request you would assist him with your good Counsel & Advice. You will thereby much oblige, Dear Sir, Your most obedient & most humble Servant Only the second sheet of this letter was reproduced as an illustration; it is...
ALS : British Museum I thank you much for your respected Favours of Nov. 10. Dec. 17. and 20. and for the satisfactory Intelligence they contained. I condole with you most sincerely on your great Loss. I have written a pretty full Account to the Speaker of the Treatment their Petition and their Agent have received here. My Letter went in Symes, and probably you may have seen it before this can...
Copy: Library of Congress This will be delivered to you by Mr. le Comte de Segur, (Son of the Marquis de Segur Ministre de la Guerre) a Young Nobleman whose amiable Qualities and sensible Conversation will I am sure give you Pleasure. I therefore make no Apology for the Liberty I take of introducing him to you, recommending him to your Civilities and Friendship, and requesting you would do the...
ALS : British Museum Your Favour of Aug. 3 has given me great Pleasure. I have only time now to acknowledge the Receipt of it, but purpose to write fully by the next Opportunity. I am just returned from France, where I found our Dispute much attended to, several of our Pamphlets being translated and printed there, among the rest my Examination, and the Farmer’s Letters with two of my Pieces...
I knew not when I undertook so readily to take the Care of your Grandson what I was about, little foreseeing a Journey of near four hundred Leagues by Land, in the Extremity of Winter, over the worst Roads and the vilest Accommodations and at the same time the most expensive of all Europe. I think myself very happy however to have at length reached Paris, without any essential Injury to the...
Copy: Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; extract: Library of Congress I have received several kind Letters from you, which I have not now before me, and which I shall answer more particularly hereafter. Your Grandson was well not long since, & I hear good Account of him. I hope his Improvements will answer your Expectations. We have taken some good Steps here towards a Peace. Our...
I have received your very agreable Letter of the 8th of September. Nothing could give me more Satisfaction than to learn the peaceable Establishment of the New Constitution. I Sincerely wish Mr. Hancock happy in his important office. Much will depend upon the Wisdom and Firmness of the first Governor, and much upon the Impartiality, and Liberality with which he hearkens to the Advice of Such,...
I congratulate you upon the Ratification of the Provisional & the Signature of the definitive Treaty. You enjoy in America a pleasure, which we in Europe are deprived of, that of seeing our Country at Peace, after all the cruel Cares of the War. If we can but get the Fisheries agoing and the West India Trade properly opened, we shall soon see our Country wear the face of Joy, and abound in...
Extract: Massachusetts Archives Being once more order’d to Europe, and to embark this day, I write this Line &c. As to our publick Affairs, I hope our People will keep up their Courage. I have no Doubt of their finally succeeding by the Blessing of God, nor have I any Doubt, that so good a Cause will fail of that Blessing. It is computed here that we have already taken a Million Sterling from...
LS : British Museum; letterbook draft: Library of Congress I received your very valuable Favours of March 15, and April 23. It rejoices me to find your Health so far restored, that your Friends can again be benefitted by your Correspondence. The Governor was certainly out in his Politicks, if he hoped to recommend himself here by entring upon that Dispute with the Assembly. His imprudence in...
Copy: Library of Congress The Prince de Broglie, Son of the Marechal Duc de Broglie has desired of me a few Letters of Introduction. With regard to Boston I cannot do better than to present him to you, who have a Pleasure in showing Civilities to Strangers of Merit, & who can introduce him to the principal Persons civil & military of your State. You already love with reason the French Nation;...
ALS : British Museum The letter below belongs with those above to Cooper of June 8 and to Cushing of December 24, for in each Franklin discusses a different aspect of the constitution as he sees it. In the earliest he stresses the colonists’ recourse of petitioning their sovereign for protection against an arbitrary and corrupt Parliament. In the second he argues that Parliament has no right...
Yours of the 20th. was handed me by the last Post. I congratulate you upon the first modern Election, on the last Wednesday in May of Councellors as at the first. I could not avoid indulging myself Yesterday, in Imagination with my Friends in Boston, upon an Occasion So joyfull. I presume you must have had a very solemn and ceremonious Election, and wish that no Interruption may ever hereafter...
Press copy: American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Library of Congress I received your kind Letter of Feb. 1 by Col. Johonot. Your Sentiments of the present State of our Affairs appear to me very judicious, and I am much oblig’d by your free Communication of them. They are often of Use here: for you have a Name and Character among us, that give weight to your Opinions. The End of Col....
ALS : British Museum; draft: American Philosophical Society I have now before me your several Favours of July 10, Aug. 23, and Nov. 5. A long Journey I took in the Summer and Autumn for the Establishment of my Health, prevented my answering sooner the two first. I hope the State of your Health also is mended by your Retirement into the Country, as mine has sensibly been by that Journey. You...