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Results 231-240 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
ALS : Yale University Library Dr. Mitchel, a Gentleman from Virginia, came to Town this Morning with Mr. Bertram, and we have been together all Day, which has hindred my Writing to you as I intended. We are to go to Mr. Logan’s tomorrow, when I shall have an Opportunity of knowing his Sentiments of your Piece on Fluxions. I am Sir Your most humble Servant Addressed: To  The Honbl Cadwalr...
Draft: Yale University Library I have Yours of the 13th and am glad to find by it that you have an opportunity of conversing with a Gentleman who I believe is both willing and Capable of promoting your Philosophical Design. You’l perceive by what you receive on these Sheets that I have open’d to my self a large Prospect either into Nature or into Fairyland and I have in my Imaginations made...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrote to you per Capt. Evans, and enclos’d you Bills for £20.13.0 Sterlg. of which I now send you the Seconds. I sent you also a Box containing 300 Books I had printed, and by this Ship I send you 200 Copies of our late Indian Treaty which I hope will come to hand and sell with you. I will take Books of you in Exchange for as much of them as you can [get]...
ALS : New-York Historical Society I communicated your Piece on Fluxions to Mr. Logan, and being at his House a few Days after, he told me, he had read it cursorily, that he thought you had not fully hit the Matter, and ( I think ) that Berkley’s Objections were well founded: but said he would read it over more attentively. Since that, he tells me there are several Mistakes in it, two of which...
ALS : Chicago Historical Society I have wrote to you by several Opportunities to acknowledge the Receipt of yours per Mr. Hall with the Things you sent me. I have also remitted you Bills for £20.13.0. Sterl. of which you have the fourths enclos’d. I desired you to send me a Fount of about 300 wt. English and the best Newspapers and Pamphlets constantly. I hope some of my Letters have come to...
An Account Of the New Invented Pennsylvanian Fire-Places: ... Philadelphia: Printed and Sold by B. Franklin. 1744. (Yale University Library) According to his autobiography, Franklin invented the Pennsylvania fireplace in 1742, but the winter of 1739–40 is a more likely date. Writing of it in the summer or fall of 1744, he says that he and his family and friends have enjoyed its warmth “for...
Draft: New-York Historical Society The season of the year advancing in which our Correspondence from this place with New York becomes more uncertain and my eldest son going now to New York where he proposes to stay 8 or 10 days I hope you’l excuse my interrupting you in your Business which I know allows you little time for trifles or amusements. In your last you gave me hopes that you would...
238Poor Richard, 1745 (Franklin Papers)
Poor Richard, 1745. An Almanack For the Year of Christ 1745 , … By Richard Saunders, Philom. Philadelphia: Printed and sold by B. Franklin. (American Antiquarian Society) For the Benefit of the Publick, and my own Profit, I have performed this my thirteenth annual Labour, which I hope will be as acceptable as the former. The rising and setting of the Planets, and their Conjunctions with the...
Draft: American Philosophical Society This MS in BF ’s autograph was dated “ circa 1745” in I. Minis Hays, Calendar of the Papers of Benjamin Franklin (Phila., 1908), III , 435. Van Doren accepted this in Benjamin Franklin’s Autobiographical Writings (N.Y., 1945), p. 48. There is no reason for changing it except, perhaps, that BF has suggested alternative words in pencil, which he used more...
240Extracts from the Gazette, 1745 (Franklin Papers)
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , January 1 to December 31, 1745. [ Advertisement ] Lost on Friday, the 21st of December, 1744, betwixt Frankfort and Philadelphia, a Fowling-Piece, mounted with Brass, Dutch Make, a black Barrel, with a pretty wide Bore. Whoever has found it, and will return it to the Printer hereof, shall be sufficiently rewarded. [January 1] After a long Dearth of News,...