James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Thomas Jefferson Randolph, 7 May 1827

From Thomas Jefferson Randolph

Tufton May 7th 1827


The Undersigned submits to your body the following proposition as trustee for Mrs Randolph, viz, he will loan to the University a sum not exceeding twenty five thousand dollars, bearing an interest of six per cent per annum payable semi-annually, irredeemable in twenty years; after that term at the will of the Rector and visitors provided that no payment be less than two thousand dollars, bonds of $500 each payable to the trustee or bearer numbered from 1 upwards, to be given by the proper authorities of the University. Very respectfully

Th: J. Randolph

RC (ViU: Special Collections); Tr (ViU: Special Collections, Madison Papers). RC docketed: “Loan.” Tr is in JM’s hand, written on the verso of the cover sheet of Alexander Garrett to JM, 3 May 1827, marked “(Copy).” RC addressed to the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia.

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