Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to Ellen Wayles Randolph Coolidge, 8 December 1807

Washington Dec. 8. 07.

My dearest Ellen

I owe you a letter, and very fortunately have one to inclose from an acquaintance which you must consider as a paiment in full of my debt. for having nothing to write about I should otherwise have been puzzled to make paiment, had it not been for this god-send. I could tell you we are all well. but that is a thing of course. I could tell you it is now very cold, but the air of the morning has already told you that, especially if you have been to your hen-house. I could say much about politics, our only entertainment here; but you would not care a fig about that.—now I recollect one thing which you will care about. Colo. Monroe left London Oct. 14. and probably sailed about the 20th. we may expect him therefore every hour, and as it is probable he will come here first, he will not be with you till you will have heard of his arrival.—another recollection.

new arrangement of the Western mail begins this day which will enable you to recieve to your letters written Saturday morning, the answers the Thursday following instead of the Thursday sennight. for fear of more recollections which might incroach on other pressing business I will here close with the the addition only of my affectionate remembrance to your Papa & Mama, and the others of the family, not forgetting yourself.

Th: Jefferson

MHi: Coolidge Collection.

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