James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Anthony Morris, 9 May 1827

From Anthony Morris

Washington May 9th. 1827.

Dear Sir

Knowing the interest you have always felt in every thing connected with Systems of Education, from the influence they necessarily have, as well on individual happiness, as on the future greatness, and true glory of the United States, I have taken the liberty to invite your attention, at some leisure hour, to some short sketches of the Fellenberg System presented in the American Farmer of the 13 th. & 20th. Ulto. & 4th. Inst.1

Should that System so far as its general principles extend (without any reference to my particular objects) seem to you applicable to the U.S. tho’ I should highly appreciate the sanction of your Opinion, yet, I will by no means ask any expression of it, if it will interfere with any wish to avoid such Expression, or will afford another unwellcome precedent for intrusions on your valuable time—with every respectful Sentimt. yr. Mo. Ob. St &c

Anthony Morris

RC (DLC). Docketed by JM.

1The Fellenberg system, developed by Emanuel de Fellenberg at Hoffwyl, Switzerland, transferred “the theatre of education from the city to the country” and established there “institutions embracing not only agriculture, but the whole circle of arts and sciences.” Fellenberg argued that “under a proper system of rural and domestic economy, industry, temperance and moderation, the profits of labour would pay for all the necessary expenses of the subsistence, the clothing, and the education of the labourers, and would leave such a residue as would suffice for the support of age and infirmity” (“Agricultural Institute,” American Farmer 9 [1827]: 50–51).

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