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Results 23001-23050 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I left Nantz a Wednesday Evning to Come here and by a letter...
AL : American Philosophical Society Our predecessors’ introduction of Valltravers, at the time...
23003General Orders, 25 April 1777 (Washington Papers)
Colonels or commanding Officers of Corps must cause their regimental Pay-Masters to make up their...
Your favor of the 14th is this day come to hand, & for the Instructions you require respecting...
You will percieve, from the Resolves which I have now the Honour of transmitting, the Measures...
Yours of yesterday came to hand late last Night. As I have heard nothing further of the Troops...
I am this moment favored with yours of Today; by the express riders. It has been my express...
I took the liberty in a Letter of the 11th of February, to inform your Honble Board of the...
I am favoured with yours of the 9th & 14th instants. Upon the Receipt of the first I had no hopes...
AL (draft): Library of Congress; copies: Library of Congress, British Library The Congress of the...
I have been lately more remiss, than usual in Writing to you. There has been a great Dearth of...
It is his Excellency’s desire, that you have an immediate inspection made into the state of the...
Morristown [ New Jersey ] April 26, 1777. Gives instructions concerning pay of American...
LS and draft: Library of Congress The Congress of the United States of America have seen a paper...
ALS : Henry Huntington Library I find by your Favour of the 2d Inst. that my Letter to you had...
ALS : Connecticut Historical Society Herewith is Copy of my last Respects; Since which have...
AL : American Philosophical Society Feutry supplie Monsieur Franklin de vouloir bien accepter...
23018General Orders, 26 April 1777 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
I have your favor of the 19th and congratulate you upon the late discoveries you have made of...
I wrote you on the 23d Inst. communicating Intelligence lately received respecting the Enemy’s...
I am going to address you on a subject which may lay some claim to your attention, as I do to...
After the conversations, I had with you, before you left the army, last Winter, I was not a...
I was last night honored with your Letter of the 25th with sundry Resolves of Congress. Such of...
Since I had the Honour of addressing you yesterday, the Congress have come to the enclosed...
I am favd with yours of the 16th and am glad to find that you are forwarding on the Troops with...
This will be handed to you by Colonel Conway lately arrived from France & engaged by Mr Dean to...
I am honoured with yours of the 19th inclosing a list of the Feild Officers of your Battalions,...
I received your favour of yesterday this Moment. In my Opinion it is by no means improbable that...
Letter not found: to Capt. William Scott, 26 April 1777. Tench Tilghman docketed Scott’s letter...
I went along the Outposts towards Woodbridge, where the Enemy made their Appearance, & Advancd as...
I received your favour of this date from Westfield. It ever was against my inclination for an...
Your Letter of 15th Ulto came to my hands a few days since & after fully considering your...
We were much surprized at your Letter to M r . Hobart as we could not perceive the Danger which...
I am constrained by the subscribers to your paper in this neighborhood to trouble you with...
Your Favours of Ap. 2 and Ap. 7. I have received. The inclosed Evening Post, will give you, some...
Your Favour of 25 March I duely received. The Plan of riding you mention, between Boston and...
Aha!—exchanging the Pride, Pomp and Circumstance of Glorious War, for the soft Charms of Wedlock...
I think it is Montesqueiu, who, Somewhere observes, that the English of Charles’s days were...
Since I wrote you by the post on last Thursday, Nothing very material has taken place here. Two...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrote you last post acknowledging the receipt of your...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Dans la crainte d’avoir mal datté La lettre que j’ay eu...
DS : American Philosophical Society Vers à mettre sous le Portrait de Monsieur de Franklin etc....
23043General Orders, 27 April 1777 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
Letter not found: from Capt. Caleb Gibbs, 27 April 1777. GW wrote Gibbs on 3 May : “Your Letter...
I almost blush to write you a Letter of this Date from hence—I was in Hopes that ere this I...
I am well convincd that the amazing desertions which have of late prevail’d among our Troops,...
Colonel Spotswood marchd in this morning with a detachment from the 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, &...
Since my last the Enemys Ships remain anchored from Dob’s Ferry to Philip’s, the wind haveing...
In order to know whether the floating Bridges that we have so often heard of, are really meant to...
I hoped to have given you a more favourable Acct of my application to Congress, in your behalf,...