George Washington Papers

From George Washington to William Bronaugh, 17 December 1756

To William Bronaugh

[Fort Loudoun, 17 December 1756]

To Capt. William Bronaugh, on the So. Branch

You are strictly required, immediately upon receipt of this, to transport your provisions and Stores to Capt. Waggeners Fort, and there leave them: Then march your Company to Pearsals, in order to escort a quantity of Flour to Fort Cumberland; where you & your whole Company are to remain, to strengthen that Garrison. I expect you will pay due regard to this Order, and put it in execution with the utmost alacrity; as it is in consequence of express directions from the Governor & Council.1

I heartily commiserate the fate of the poor unhappy Inhabitants, left by this means exposed to every incursion of a merciless Enemy: and wish it was in my power to offer them better support, than good wishes (merely) will afford. You may assure the Settlement, that this unexpected, and if I may be allowed to say, unavoidable step, was taken without my concurrence & knowledge—That it is an express order from the Governor; and can neither be evaded nor delayed: Therefore, any representations to me of their danger, and the necessity of continuing Troops among them, will be fruitless: For, as I before observed, I have inclination and no power left to serve them. It is also the Governors orders that the Forts be left standing, for the Inhabitants to possess if they think proper. I am Sir Yours



William Bronaugh, who was with GW at Fort Necessity in 1754 and served as a lieutenant in the Braddock campaign in the summer of 1755, remained in the Virginia Regiment as a captain of a company until the summer of 1757 when the regiment was reduced to ten companies.

1For the decision of the lieutenant governor and his council to reinforce Fort Cumberland with men stationed in the small stockades, see the Minutes of the Council, 9 Dec. 1756, an enclosure in Dinwiddie to GW, 10 Dec. 1756.

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