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Results 22961-22970 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
ALS : American Philosophical Society You reccommended Mr. Hood to my Civilities and assistance in getting a passage to america. The assistance he wants is Cash, which you say nothing about. Mr. Dean gave me orders to pay his passage &c. but he since writes angrily about him. I am however trying to get him a passage in the first Vessell to america, he wants to wait for a Phila. Ship but I do...
22962General Orders, 22 April 1777 (Washington Papers)
The detachments of the 3rd 4th and 10th Pennsylvania Regiments, are to form one Detachment, and be under the Command of Major Harmar ’till their respective regiments arrive. This detachment thus formed are to march for Boundbrook, by 6 o’clock to morrow morning, as is also the Eastern Detachment, under the Command of Col. Zebulon Butler—the whole to receive their orders from Major Genl...
Yesterday I had part of our regiment together and they turned out 46 men as volunteers for a scouting party for 1 month and several more are expected to enlist very soon. those that turned out, did immediately proceed to choose their officers, viz. Mr Peter R. Fell for their Capt. & Joste Zabriskie for their 1st Lieut., John Van Allen 2nd Lieut. and James S. Bogart Ensign. their choosing so...
I forgot before you left this place to desire you to provide clothing for the men that are to compose my guard—but now desire that you will apply to the clothier general and have them forwarded to this place, Head Quarters as soon as possible. Provide for 4 Serjeants, 4 corporals, a drum and fife, and 50 rank and file. If Blew and Buff can be had I should prefer that uniform, as it is the one...
I reciev’d your letter dated the 12th of March, from Morriss Town, yesterday, & am heartily sorry, there exists such a necessity for men, & that there is such an inability on my part to remove it. When I delivered recruiting commissions, I directed the officers, who were remote, to send their recruits to this place, that I might forward them whenever I collected a number to Head Quarters. This...
I have this moment received Information from the Council that 25 Cases of Arms, are arrived from Martinico, consigned to the Council but belonging to the United States—The Council have directed the Master to deliver them to my Order—I shall immediately deposit them, and wait your Excellency’s Orders. A Paragraph in the Letter from the Gentleman at Martinico, who Shiped the Arms, is as follows—...
The Detachments marchd from the several Regiments in this State are less than I expected owing to a Variety of unforeseen Accidents—435 Non Com. Officers & Soldiers, with a Suitable Number of Officers to command them have marchd to Head Quarters & Peekskill, I expect another Detachment will be ready this Week—every possible Method to forward the Levies & Promote recruiting shall be attended to...
I am this Moment honored with your Excellency’s Favor of Yesterday’s Date. Your Excellency’s Letter of the 20th to Congress, was Yesterday, as I am informed, read and referred to the Board of War, I shall apply for a Copy of it, and try to execute whatever you may have wished should be done. I have with some Difficulty cleared this City of the Troops and got them all at Bristol except about...
By a person to be depended on Who left New york yesterday—a Brigade consisting of the 15th 17th not exceeding 700 men & he believes the 36th & 4th embarked on the 20th at Night & he Supposes Saild up the N. River yesterday Morng to destroy Genl McDougal. The rest of the Advices not So important, & not yet digested I refer at present, & am wt. great Respect Sr your most Obt LS , DNA:PCC , item...
Letter not found: from John Augustine Washington, 22 April 1777. GW wrote his brother Jack on 1 June : “I think I stand Debter to you for your Letters of the 22d of April and 11th of May.”