George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Richard Smith, 19 April 1777

To Richard Smith

Morris Town April 19th 1777


Your Letter of the 30th Ulto came to my hands by yesterdays Post in an hour after which, an oppertunity (which I embraced) offered of sending the several Inclosures, therein containd, to the Enemy’s Lines (under cover to Lord Cornwallis, Commanding at Brunswick).1

Any Letters, which you may have occasion to send, through this Channel, to Sir R. Eden shall be carefully forwarded, by Sir Yr Most Obedt Servt

Go: Washington

ALS, MdHi. GW franked the cover and he addressed it “To Richd Smith Esqr. of Annapolis.”

Richard Smith was secretary to Robert Eden, the royal governor of Maryland who sailed to England in 1776 and remained there for the duration of the war.

1Smith’s letter to GW of 30 Mar. has not been found, and its enclosures have not been identified.

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