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Results 22921-22950 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Your favour of the 13th Inst. came safe to hand yesterday by Lt Beldin —I shall be sorry to hear...
Your Letter of the 30th Ulto came to my hands by yesterdays Post in an hour after which, an...
Letter not found: to Francis Wade, 19 April 1777. Wade wrote GW on an unspecified date in May :...
We arrived in this City on Wednesday afternoon. If you talk seriously to its Inhabitants you’l...
The post is very Regular and faithfully brings me all your Letters I believe. If I do not write...
The disposition of the Convention, with respect to the disaffected among you is highly...
Morristown [ New Jersey ] April 20, 1777. Discusses whether enemy plans to attack Philadelphia or...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mon fils qui est oficier de S. el. E. de Treves, mais qui...
22929General Orders, 20 April 1777 (Washington Papers)
The detachments from the 3rd 4th 10th & 11th Pennsylv: Regiments, now at this place, as also that...
Your favour of the 18th instant has just now come to hand. Two days ago, I wrote to general...
Your Favour of the 18th continued to the 19th I was this Day honored with at two O’Clock, and...
It has been very industriously propagated by some Ill-designing Persons, that the Artillery pay...
I have yours with the Return of your Division. I observe that the Return of the two independent...
I am this morning, honoured with Your Excellencies favour of yesterdays date, On General Heard...
I received your Letter of the 6th Instt by Ensign Fernandez. You may be assured, every thing in...
Inclosd is an Acct of Capt. Beals Expedition —The firing heard when I expected Capt. Bell was...
The horseman delivered your favour of this date—You will be pleased to order Lieut. Bradford...
It may not be amiss to hint that some sentences have been passed in persuance of this resolve,...
A number of disaffected persons having been taken up and brought to His Excellency, he ordered an...
ALS : Public Record Office You are directed to call on Capt. Wicks on your return, and inform him...
AL : American Philosophical Society Monday April 21. Rue Jacob. Hotel de la grande Bretagne Mr....
AL : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Dr. Franklin presents his Respects to Mr. Fisher, with...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Bordeaux, April 21, 1777, in French: M. Delap has promised...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Donner un petit pois pour une grosse fève , comme dit un...
AL : American Philosophical Society Le Duc de la Rochefoucauld fait bien des complimens à...
ALS : American Philosophical Society As a proper apology for this intrusion, permit me to inform...
22947General Orders, 21 April 1777 (Washington Papers)
A fatigue party of an officer and twenty privates, to be employed to bury all the Offals in and...
I have the honor of yours of the 14th instant. I shall make it my particular Business to demand...
I was this morning honored with your favor of the 20th inclosing Sundry proceedings of Congress....
I have received the honor of yours of the 10th. In my last I mention’d to your Excellency having...