George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Major General William Phillips, 6 October 1779

From Major General William Phillips

Chatham [N.J.] October 6th 1779


I shall answer the letter you have, Sir, been pleased to send me by Major Skinner1 from Easton for which place2 I am going to set out.3

I writ to you, Sir, from Elizabeth Town in consequence of the detention of Major General de Riedesel and myself, but to that letter I have not received any answer.4

I will not wound General Washington’s feelings with a description of my sentiments of the unkind treatment of the American Congress, they are such as I believe every Man of sense and honor must approve.

I am greatly obliged for much politeness shewn me by Major Skinner. I have the honor to be, Sir, with due respect Your Excellency’s most Obedient and most humble Servant

W. Phillips


2This word, in Phillips’s writing, was inserted above the line.

3Phillips replied to GW’s letter to him of 30 Sept. on 26 October (DLC:GW).

4See Phillips to GW, 30 Sept., and n.1 to that document. GW replied to Phillips’s letter of 30 Sept. and to this letter on 10 October.

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