James Madison Papers

From James Madison to John Armstrong, 19 July 1813

To John Armstrong

July 19. 1813

Dear Sir

I have recd. yours by Mr. Mercer.1 The little enterprize projected by Mr. Monroe, would if compleatly successful have a seasonably good effect.2 But the view you have taken of it, is a very interesting one. The smallness of your effective force in Regulars, and the possible consequence of such a detachment from it, to such a distance, at Such a crisis, will doubtless have the weight with him which those considerations deserve.3 I drop him a few lines on the subject by Mr. Mercer who is just setting out on his return.4 Accept my esteem & my best wishes

James Madison

RC (PHi: Daniel Parker Papers).

1Letter not found.

3In a letter to Monroe of 20 July 1813 (DLC: Monroe Papers), Armstrong argued that the project Monroe contemplated would be better left to the militia, because they were “on the spot” and able to time an attack advantageously, and because the potential gains were not worth the risk of 350 regulars.

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