2281From John Quincy Adams to Caroline Amelia Smith De Windt, 26 March 1826 (Adams Papers)
I return the enclosed letter according to your desire, painfully regretting, that I can not consistently with my sense of my duties, comply with the wish of the writer; and yours in his behalf. The reasons of this I cannot fully explain to you, but I trust you will be assured they are not incompatible with that ardent and sincere affection to which you so forcibly appeal, & the power of which...
2282From George Washington to Brig. Gen. Lachlan McIntosh, 22 March 1778 [letter not found] (Washington Papers)
Letter not found: to Brig. Gen. Lachlan McIntosh, c.22 Mar. 1778. On 23 Mar., McIntosh wrote GW from Spring House Tavern, “I recd your orders ⅌ Express this Morning one o’Clock & in obedience to them returned on my way to Camp thus far.”
2283From Thomas Jefferson to George Morgan, 26 March 1807 (Jefferson Papers)
Your favors of Jan. 19. & 20. came to hand in due time, but it was not in my power to acknolege their reciept during the session of Congress. General Gage’s paper I have filed with that on Pensacola, in the War office, and mr Hutchins’s map in the Navy office, where they will be useful. I tender you my thanks for this contribution to the public service. the bed of the Missisipi and the shoals...
2284To Thomas Jefferson from Henry Lee, 26 August 1825 (Jefferson Papers)
I am unwilling that my enthusiasm in favour of your university should not be effectively known to you, I therefore take occasion, even at the risk of tasking your condescension & patience, to mention that in addition to M r Wallace who is now at the university, the two Browns, Richard & Frederick, are removed from the college here, & are to be sent at my instance, from to the University. I...
2285To George Washington from Colonel Richard Gridley, 13 May 1776 (Washington Papers)
I receivd your Excellencys Orders of 20th April with the Copy of the request of the Comtee of Congress Inclos’d, and have agreeable thereto been to Cape Ann, & made a Critical Survey of the Same: The Plan that Accompanys this, is a Survey made by Mr Holland, which I Luckily met with, and have Examin’d in the Essential parts, & have added the Soundings & some Shoals which that plan had not, &...
2286From George Washington to Tench Tilghman, 11 August 1784 (Washington Papers)
I shall essay the finishing of my Green Ho. this fall; but find that neither my own knowledge, or that of any person abt me, is competent to the business. Shall I, for this reason, ask the favor of you to give me a short detail of the internal construction of the Green House at Mrs Carrolls? I am perswaded now, that I planned mine upon too contracted a Scale—My House is (of Brick) 40 feet by...
2287[March 1756] (Adams Papers)
Wrote out Bolingbrokes reflections on Exile. For JA ’s lifelong study of, and his extensive commentaries on, the writings of Henry St. John, first Viscount Bolingbroke, see Haraszti, JA and the Prophets of Progress Zoltán Haraszti, John Adams and the Prophets of Progress, Cambridge, 1952. , ch. 4. JA ’s own copies of Bolingbroke’s writings are now divided between the Boston Athenaeum and the...
228816 Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
Sat out for Uxbridge, arrived about 12, dined. Rode to Aldridges after Mr. Webb, and brought him with me to my Uncles. Spent the Evening there. Lodged with Webb. Presumably Nathan Webb (1734–1760), Harvard 1754 , nephew and namesake of JA ’s “Uncle Webb"; he is said to have practiced medicine, and it was to him that JA addressed his first letter that survives, 1 Sept. 1755 ( Adams Papers ; JA...
2289To Thomas Jefferson from Hugh Williamson, 8 December 1800 (Jefferson Papers)
The inclosed account of the Temperature of the Air in Quebec was given me by a gentleman from that City who had little to do and amused himself with meteorological observations . The circumstance that induced me to copy this Part of the Journal was the remarkable coincidence of the coldest weather with the conjunction of the Sun & Moon during the 4 cold months. Has it been observed in other...
2290Joseph C. Cabell to Thomas Jefferson, 11 February 1822 (Jefferson Papers)
In my last I informed you that we then contemplated the plan of asking the Legislature to give the University the surplus revenue of the Literary Fund to the amount of $7200, which would be equivalent to the release of the debt. M r Johnson & myself had thought by this expedient we should get clear of the commitment of our friends in the House of Delegates against any scheme which would go to...
2291Abigail Adams to John Quincy Adams, 15 March 1784 (Adams Papers)
As I did not write you by the last conveyance I will not omit the present. I supposed your sister had got a Letter for You, but I found afterwards that she did not send it, because she could not please herself. This Week I received your trunk which Mr. Dana brought with him. You cannot conceive the pleasure I took in looking it over. The Books it is true were in a language that I understand...
2292To Alexander Hamilton from William Irvine, 13 November 1800 (Hamilton Papers)
Carlisle [ Pennsylvania ] November 13, 1800 . Notifies Hamilton that his son Callender Irvine is fit to report for military duty and will visit Hamilton to thank him for “indulging him with a long leave of absence for the recovery of health.” ALS , Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Irvine, an immigrant from Ireland and a veteran of the American Revolution, was a member of the...
2293[Diary entry: 26 January 1774] (Washington Papers)
26. Mr. Rutherford went away after Breakfast. I contd. at home all day.
2294From John Quincy Adams to Abigail Smith Adams, 28 September 1816 (Adams Papers)
Our Sons John and Charles are come home from school this morning, to spend the Michaelmas Holidays, and have brought one of their schoolmates with them, to whom John has taken a great liking and who is nearly of his age. He was already here, part of the Summer Holidays, and is a very intelligent and well behaved boy. These Holidays come so often that I am not at all partial to them; but those...
2295To Thomas Jefferson from David Jameson, 4 October 1791 (Jefferson Papers)
I was honoured with your letter of the 14th. of August, and am truly sorry it is not in my power to throw any light on the subject. I made it my business to see Mr. John Browne and Mr. John Pierce in hope that by a free conversation with them something might be thought of that would give aid to the business, but they assured me every thing that came to their knowledge they had communicated to...
2296Mathew Carey to Thomas Jefferson, 14 January 1815 (Jefferson Papers)
By this day’s mail I send you a copy of the Olive Branch, of which I request Your acceptance, & am, RC ( MHi ); dateline at foot of text; at head of text: “Hon. Thomas Jefferson , Esq r ”; endorsed by TJ as received 30 Jan. 1815 and so recorded in SJL . The work sent to TJ by this day’s mail was probably the 9 Jan. 1815 second edition of Carey ’s The Olive Branch: or Faults on Both Sides,...
2297Registry of Marriage of Elizabeth Schuyler and Alexander Hamilton, 14 December 1780 (Hamilton Papers)
Albany, December 14, 1780. After this date in the Registry of the Reformed Church of Albany appears the following entry: “Colonel Hamilton & Elisabeth Schuyler.” Photostat of MS Register of the Reformed Church, Albany, MS Division, New York Public Library. Elizabeth Schuyler and H were married at the Schuyler home in Albany.
2298To George Washington from James Lovell, 14 Aug. 1779 [letter not found] (Washington Papers)
Letter not found : from James Lovell, 14 Aug. 1779. On or about 26 Aug., GW wrote Lovell: “I have been favd with yours of the 14 and 25th instants.”
2299From John Jay to James Eastburn & Company, 5 December 1816 (Jay Papers)
I have rec d . your Letter of the 21 Oct r ., with your Proposals for to publish by Subscription “the History of the origin and first Ten Years of the British and foreign Bible Society—[”] agreable to your Request, they shall be laid before ^communicated to^ our Society at their next ensuing annual meeting, when it will be [?]in May next— They will ^probably^ [ illegible ] ^are not^ authorized...
2300To Thomas Jefferson from Montmorin, with Enclosure, 21 September 1787 (Jefferson Papers)
J’avois communiqué, Monsieur, à Mr. de Villedeuil les observations que vous m’aviez fait l’honneur de m’adresser le 23. Juillet dernier relativement à différens objêts de Commerce à l’egard desquels vous demandéz que le Roi fasse joüir les Etats Unis des avantages du Traité Anséatique. Mr. Lambert, Successeur de Mr. de Villedeuil, vient de me faire la réponse dont vous trouverez cijoint la...
2301To Benjamin Franklin from Coder, [on or after 7 March? 1777] (Franklin Papers)
AL : American Philosophical Society Les persecutions que je ne cesse d’eprouvér, pour avoir constament fait mon devoir, le tendre et vif interet que prenent a mes malheurx, MM. turgot, malherbes, M. le marechal de soubise, MM. le marquis de castries, francès etc. doivent me faire ecouté favorablement, des honnetes gens eclairés et surtout de Monsieur le docteur franklin. Vous aurez du voir par...
2302From Benjamin Walker to William Stephens Smith, 19 April 1783 to 20 April 1783 (Washington Papers)
I am directed, in reply to your Letter of the 17 to inform you that Letters may in future be Sent direct from N. York to Elizabeth Town—I am Dr Sir Your very humble Ser. 20th Your Letter of the 18th just came to hand when the Commander in Chief Returns this Eveng. it Shall be answerd. DLC : Papers of George Washington.
2303General Orders, 25 March 1780 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW . A record in GW’s expense book for this date indicates the purchase of “2½ dozn buttons for Wills vest &c.” (household account book, 11 April 1776–21 Nov. 1780, DLC:GW , ser. 5). “Wills” is a reference to GW’s slave and personal servant, William Lee (see GW to Caleb Gibbs, 1 May 1777 , and n.5 ; see also General Orders, 5 April 1780, source note ).
2304From Alexander Hamilton to Gouverneur Morris, 22 June 1792 (Hamilton Papers)
Your three letters of the 21st of March, 6th and 10th of April have been received, and gave me great pleasure. I accept your challenge to meet you in the field of mutual confidential communication; though I cannot always promise punctuality, or copiousness. I will however do the best I can. Will it not be a necessary preliminary to agree upon a Cypher? One has been devised for me, which though...
2305To George Washington from Edmund Randolph, 31 March 1795 (Washington Papers)
The Secretary of State has the honor of sending to the President a letter from Colo. Smith; upon which he is now in conference with Mr Hammond and the result will be communicated to the President in the morning. AL , DNA : RG 59, Miscellaneous Letters; LB , DNA : RG 59, GW’s Correspondence with His Secretaries of State. Samuel Smith’s letter to Randolph of 29 March, sending information about...
2306George Washington to Major General Thomas Mifflin, 24 April 1778 (Hamilton Papers)
Valley Forge, April 24, 1778. Invites Mifflin to council of war. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
2307To George Washington from Major General William Heath, 19 July 1779 (Washington Papers)
From the appearances of Several fires the last night there is reason to apprehend that the Enemy have destroyed the Works & evacuated Verplanks point. I have Sent out Several parties to make discoveries & to harrass them if possible. In obedience to your Excellencys orders the Brigades will move into the Highlands. Permit me to Suggest on Account of the great Scarcity of Forage in the...
2308To James Madison from Fulwar Skipwith, 13 April 1807 (Madison Papers)
With this I forward the supplementary Statement suggested in my letter of the 30th: Ulto., in relation to Prisoners. I also enclose a Duplicate of the Account, lately furnished Genl. Armstrong of my appropriations of the sums advanced by him on Account of Government, for the objects therein stated, and already mentioned in my former letters to you. I hope you will approve this Acct., & that it...
2309To Thomas Jefferson from Petre Huerne, 20 March 1804 (Jefferson Papers)
Je Lhonneur de prende La libertee de madresser a vous et vous prier de rende service a une malheureuse famille, je suis un Colon de Ste. Domingue; après quinze annees d’Experience sur la Culture de cette Colony, après avoire perdu toutes mes proprietées par les Incendies, depuis dix ans je me suis retiré avec mon Epouse et un Enfant dans l’Etat de Newyork, et depuis ma famille est augmente...
2310To George Washington from Brigadier General Caesar Rodney, 7 October 1777 (Washington Papers)
Captain Peery who commands a Company at Lewis-Town writes me as follows—“Lewis Octr ye 5th 1777. This morning 36 sails of the Enemy’s Ships went past this Town up the Bay, and this Evening 47 more were seen from the Light House Standing in for the Cape, and While writing being nine OClock find by the Lights in the Bay and firing Signal Gun they have Anchored in our Road.”—Captain Peery Says...