James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Manuel Moreno, 21 July 1813 (Abstract)

§ From Manuel Moreno

21 July 1813, “Fortress of Buenos Ayres.” “I have the honor to transmit some Public papers by which your Excellency will be able to judge of the Political State in which the Provinces of Rio de la Plata are at present, as well as of the noble efforts and sacrifices which the inhabitants have made to obtain their liberty, and that of the American Continent.”

Translation of RC (DNA: RG 59, NFL, Argentina); RC (ibid.; in Spanish). Translation 1 p. Two copies of a nearly identical RC (ibid.; and DNA: RG 59, ML), also dated 21 July 1813, were addressed to JM and signed by Antonio Álvarez de Jonte, Nicolás Rodríguez Peña, and José Julián Pérez.

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