George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Colonel Richard Gridley, 10 April 1777

From Colonel Richard Gridley

Boston April 10, 1777.


I acknowledge your favour of the 9th of January last. By desire of Mr Guild I have inclos’d his account of Ordnance Stores Cast at Stoughtonham Furnace, & deliver’d at Boston, for the Service of the Continent;1 he desires Your Excellency will please to Order him payment; and as the Furnace is now in Blast, if your Exy wants any more Stores to be made, he will make them faithfully & as cheap as any Furnace in this State will make them. I am with Duty & Great Respect Your Excellencys Most Obedt humbl. Servt

Richd Gridley


1This account has not been identified. Nathaniel Guild (1712–1796) of Walpole, Mass., who had served as a member of the first Massachusetts provincial congress in 1774, owned and operated an iron foundry at nearby Stoughtonham (now Sharon, Mass.), where ordnance stores were manufactured during the Revolutionary War.

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