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Results 22781-22830 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
From the unequivocal and positive order received from the Secretary of War, (a copy of which I take the liberty of enclosing) I had no option but implicit obedience. My health had so far improved as to enable me to reassume the command on the 26th. of June, of which I notified the Secretary of War. I received a letter from the Secretary of War dated May 27th. in which I was informed that Majr....
My duty to the Nation, solicitude for the prosperity of your administration, for yourself a sincere personal regard, and anxiety for my own reputation; demand of me to state to you frankly my conviction of the absolute impracticability of my discharging the high and responsible trust of acting Secretary of the Treasury combined with the duties of Secretary of the Navy. The accumated [ sic ]...
The anxious solicitude I feel on the subject must be my apology for this intrusion on your time. I was informed yesterday (but I did not put confidence in the report) that Genl. Taylor was to be sent to Canada from the command in Norfolk. I need not say any thing to you on the feelings of the Virga. representation generally on the situation of our state, and the apparent dispositions of the...
24 July 1813 , “ Nassau Prison Ship, Chatham (England) .” “We Conceive ourselves in duty bound (at the present crisis) As a Class of Unfortunate Citizens of the United States of America, to Acquaint your Excellency with the following train of circumstances in regard of themselves that has occurred since surrendering themselves up as Prisoners of War to the respective Commanders of British...
24 July 1813, War Department. “I have the honor respectfully to propose for your approbation the following appointments in the army of the United States.” RC and enclosures ( DNA : RG 46, Executive Proceedings, Nominations, 13B-A1); letterbook copy of first enclosure ( DNA : RG 107, LSP ). RC 1 p. In a clerk’s hand, signed by Armstrong. The first enclosure (3 pp.) listed thirty infantry...
24 July 1813, Georgetown. “I wrote you a letter a few days ago [not found] and lodged the same in the Post office in the City of Washington but dont know whether you ever receved the Same, which letter Explained my business at this place. The anctiety of my mind cannot be easily explained, I have furnished Supplies for the army, which is Certified by Govr. Meigs of Ohio. I have Sir laid out...
24 July 1813, Baltimore. “Indisposed as you are I feel a reluctance in troubling you with this address, but the importance of the subject by which it is prompted, I feel a hope will plead my excuse. “I have been informed within a few hours that a list of Liutes for promotion has gone to the senate, on which are several officers junior to me in rank— and on which I am not . I have served in the...
In compliance with your favor of the 20 th I have remitted to M r Hooe and Judge Holmes the sums mention’d and now send you inclosed $700 in such notes as you directed, the chocolate will be sent by the mail stage— Your dft in favor of David Higginbotham is paid— I shall send you a statement of the sale to M r Taylor
I enclose at the request of a person unknown to me a letter for you —the author declares it to contain nothing but the disclosure of a project which he has formed for the destruction of the enemie’s Fleet & upon this declaration alone I make myself the medium of its conveyance. I hope Dear sir you enjoy your usual health & spirits RC ( MHi ); endorsed by TJ as received 28 July 1813 and so...
Your favour of 15th is alarming. Remember the fate of Cassandra. The prophet of ill ’tho’ as true as a goose’s bow is always detested. I also have been now and then reckoned among the minor prophets. Not a bone of any Goose ever picked by Jo Green, Nick Boylston, & Master Lovel on a Christmas eve, tho’ they had Nat Gardner for a guest, and exhausted all their wit, Gibes, & Jokes upon it, ever...
Our mutual Friend Mrs Cushing called upon me a few days since and informed me that she expects you at Scituate in a short time.— Have you not in contemplation a design to extend your rout as far as Plymouth? I need not say it would give me great pleasure to see you, here before Mrs Smith can rationally be expected at Quincy. I most sincerely wish she may safely arrive there in due season, and...
Whereas the Congress of the United States, by a joint resolution of the two Houses, have signified a request that a day may be recommended, to be observed by the people of the U. States with religious solemnity, as a day of Public Humiliation and Prayer ; and whereas in times of public calamity, such as that of the war, brought on the U. States by the injustice of a foreign government, it is...
I recieved duly your favor of the 3 d and in it the Description of your apparatus for blowing up ships, which I have considered and now re-inclose. my inland situation has made me the least of all men a judge of any thing nautical. mr Fulton communicated to me the plan of his floating torpedo , which appeared to me plausible. I should think the same of yours, could I permit myself to form a...
I have duly recieved your favor of the 8 th and entirely concur in opinion with you as to the ease & importance of the inland navigation from S t Mary’s to James river , and will certainly give it whatever aid may be in my power. as this may be best done by way of letters to those whom in on whom the measure would rest, I return you the blank petition. I go out so little & see so few people...
I have duly recieved yours of the 8 th and am really concerned for the difficult circumstances of your family. I should undoubtedly be willing to represent the same to mr Mazzei in informing him of the sale of his lot in Richmond , and to interest him in your relief. but I am informed from mr Taylor that you notified him not to let the money go out of his hands, as in the event of mr Mazzei’s...
Dr Priestley, in a letter to Mr Lindsey Northumberland Nov. 4. 1803 Says “As you were pleased with my comparison of Socrates and Jesus, I have begun to carry the same comparison to all the heathen Moralists, and I have all the books that I want for the purpose, except Simplicius and Arrian on Epictetus, and them I hope to get from a Library in Philadelphia: lest however I should fail there, I...
Knowing the friendship which existed between you & our Late Illustrious Prof. Rush & the exalted opinion which you mutually entertained of each other’s worth, social political & professional, I take the liberty of presenting you this tribute of respect our respect, as Students & Graduate of Med. to your excellent departed friend. I am sensible of the lively interest you take in his Memory,...
I am encouraged by your goodness, expressed thro Mr Gallatin, to trouble you with a letter on the same subject as my last, after having obtained from my brother, of the House of Reps., the loan of his file of bills in relation to the revenues, and offices creating at this session. I have read & considered the bill relative to the office I formerly held, and I perceive that it is wisely...
22 July 1813, Washington. “Commissions having been granted during the recess of the Senate to the persons in the accompanying list, I now nominate them to the same offices respectively annexed to their names.” RC and enclosure ( DNA : RG 46, Executive Proceedings, Nominations, 13B-A1). RC 1 p. Enclosure (1 p.) is a list of nine appointments in the dragoons and infantry (printed in Senate Exec....
22 July 1813, Washington. “I recommend James Finney Esqr of the Illinois Territory as a judge of the general Court of that Territory in the Room of Alexander Stuart Esqr resigned. Mr Finney has filled the office of judge of the Court of Common Pleas in that Territory, for a Considerable time to general Satisfaction, and will no doubt fill the Place with grate integrity and impartiality. “The...
D r Priestley , in a letter to M r Lindsey Northumberland Nov. 4. 1803 Says “ As you were pleased with my comparison of Socrates and Jesus , I have begun to carry the same comparison to all the heathen Moralists , and I have all the books that I want for the purpose, except
I have been highly gratified by your obliging letter recd Yesterday. You need not give yourself any concern about my Name in your future Edition. I desire no more than Neighboursfare. A memoir from me, would amount to little more, than the Soliloqui of the Fly upon the Chariot Wheel “What a Dust We raise”? And would excite many little Strong Passions, that we might injure rather than Serve the...
Since the voice of Liberty has resounded throughout the extensive Territories of Rio de la Plata, men accustomed to calculate events, justly flattered themsel⟨ves⟩ that the great People of the United States of America, would never be indifferent to the emancipation and prospe⟨rity⟩ of these Colonies. Engaged in the same career which wa⟨s⟩ so gloriously terminated by Yourselves, the identity of...
21 July 1813, Navy Department. “The appointments, & nominations on the enclosed paper, are required to fill existing vacancies.” Letterbook copy and letterbook copy of enclosure ( DNA : RG 45, LSP ). Letterbook copy 1 p. The copy of the enclosure (5 pp.) lists 122 promotions and appointments in the navy. Notes near the end of the list read: “Transmitted to the President 23. July 1813” and “The...
21 July 1813 , “ Fortress of Buenos Ayres .” “I have the honor to transmit some Public papers by which your Excellency will be able to judge of the Political State in which the Provinces of Rio de la Plata are at present, as well as of the noble efforts and sacrifices which the inhabitants have made to obtain their liberty, and that of the American Continent.” Translation of RC ( DNA : RG 59,...
Your favor of the 6 th was exactly two weeks getting to this place instead of the two days in which it ought to have come. I recieved it yesterday. I have not yet lost my hope in mr Morton , and that he may yet be the most convenient channel of supplying Gen l Kosciuzko ; because if he continues firm, he could give the General cash there always for a draught on you. we will therefore yet wait...
I wrote Mrs Burwell to send my horses to meet me at Monticello , under an expectation I should reach your house on thursday—the unexpected delay of the Tax bills compels me to remain longer, may I beg the favor of you to detain my Servant until I can leave this place, which I propose doing in a Hack— we have been much commotion for a week past—the whole City is under arms & on militia duty at...
Poplar Forest. Grown persons plains homespun shirting Children woolen homesp. shirt g Hall. ✓ 3 ✓ 2 ½ ✓ 7 . Hanah’s
Your letter of the 24 th of June has been received and read with great pleasure—If the war continues and with it the present rate of expenditure nothing but a rigid adherence to principles such as you state can secure us against the evils of a permanent debt— The duration of the Taxes reported to the present Session of Congress has been limited to the war and one year after its conclusion in...
Immediately on the reciept of your favor of July 8. I forwarded it to the President , and had no hesitation in expressing my own wish that it should be tried. in fact as we cannot meet the British with an equality of Physical force, we must supply it by other devices, in which I know no body equal to yourself, and so likely to point out to us a mode of salvation. accordingly I hope this honor...
Availing myself of your kind offer , I forwarded to Staunton by the stage 39.℔ unwashed Merino wool which I hope has reached you safely. the cloth when made I would wish to have dyed of the darkest blue colour they can give it, which I think you said was what they called a navy blue. I yesterday wrote to Gibson & Jefferson to forward to the bank of Winchester , subject to your call, 30....
I am one of the unfortunate upon whom the blockade came before I had sold a barrel of my flour. I am now offering it for 4.D. at Richmond , which will be 2½ D. after paying for grinding, for the barrel and transportation. it is not yet sold. I was waiting either for it’s sale or for the maturity of another resource, due the 17 th inst. to have the remittance made to you, when I recieved your...
your letter of aprile 21 th inclosed by one from Col Greenup came to hand yesterday, my Father to whom it was addressed has departed this life many years Since my brother who bears his name opened it upon findeing its contents concerned me alone handed it to me my Father allways expressed the highest esteem and respect for you. and nothing shall be wanting in his Son to render you all the...
Permit me to introduce to your acquaintance, M r Joseph Bellinger of Barnwell District in this State.—He is a Gentleman of great respectability—he has been a member of the House of Representatives in our State Legislature, for many Years, and is now one of our State Senators, for the above District. In 1808, he had the honor of being one of our Republican Electors of President & Vice...
Your favours of the 3d. 5th. 7th. & 8th are before me, & call for a renewal of my acknowledgments for the warm interest your public spirit has led you to take in the Success of the Naval History. I enclose two papers, which you wished to be returned. I am unacquainted with the Situation or native Country, or any other of the circumstances of Mr Prince. He called at my Store & made me the offer...
I have your letter of the 16th I hasten to ansr. it as I have by the same post receivd a Letter from our dear Caroline from Schnectady giving an account of the safe arrival of the Party there in improved health they go on to Ballstown to try the Springs & from thence proceed to Quincy; where I now have no doubt but they will arrive safe—I have addressd the paper of the day to Caroline by which...
Confidential There being sufficient ground to infer, that it is the purpose of the Enemy to combine with the Blockade of our Ports, special licences to neutral vessels, or to British vessels in neutral disguises, whereby they may draw from our Country the precise kind and quantity of Exports essential to their wants, whilst its general commerce remains obstructed; keeping in view also the...
At the request of my friend, Capt George Crowninshield the son, I have presumed to inform the President of the United States, of his earnest wishes to remove the body of Captain Lawrence, of the Chesapeake, into the territory of the United States. He has applied for a Cartel, encouraged by a Letter to the department of war from Captain Bainbridge, on 2 July, & by the answer of Mr Jones, on the...
There appears to be at this time 11. Sail of Armed Vessels Vitze. 4.   74s. Certainly 2   64s. 74 in disguise 2   Frigates 3   Sloops of War & two or three small Tenders or Cutters There appears to be at Blackstones Island Four sail Vitz: 1. 80 Gun ship which went up this morning 1 Transport 1 Brigg & 2 Sloops. In all 19 Sail vitzt. 1. 80 Gun ship 4. 74s. do 2 64 do 4 Frigates 3 Briggs 4...
20 July 1813 , “ On Board H M Prison Ships in Chatham. ” “This comes from prisoner of war that are Subjects of the United States that have been imprest into H B M Service from his country and friends and have been a long time from thear country and have sence the war broke out between amarica and great Briton gave ourselves up as prisoner of war and have had for the same had very bad wage for...
Letter not found. 20 July 1813. Mentioned in JM’s reply to Miller of 24 July 1813 ; apparently a request that JM declare a day of fasting and prayer.
Letter not found. Ca. 20 July 1813, Boston. Mentioned as enclosed in Jesse Putnam to Richard Cutts, 20 July 1813 (ViU: Richard Cutts Papers), and described there as an application for the collectorship of the Boston district under the new direct tax legislation.
My apology for giving you the trouble of reading this letter, is, that I have purchased of M r David Higgenbotham the lott conveyed to him by you. In your deed of conveyance the lott is said to be bounded “on the North Western side, by the Common laid off as a road from Shockoe Warehouse to the River Wharf. The South Western side bounded by a Common towards the River.” Both of these Commons ,...
My last was of the 14 th . your’s of the same date was received two days after. the Frenchman who laid in the claim with mr Taylor , must have been mr Peter Derieux who married the daughter of mr Mazzei’s wife , long since dead. they live in N. Carolina , and were long
I am glad to find you are pleased with the sketches. The exploits of our maratime and naval Genius, are a severe Satire on our nation. The Government has been but a Tool of the nation whose eyes may now possibly be opened; this however is better than that the nation should be the tool of the Government. The thousand ships of England are; as Mr Hancock in one of his orations, on the fifth of...
If I should not write, except I could Send you an interesting Letter then I would but Seldom have this opportunitÿ, but I flatter mÿself, having been So long honoured with your friendship, even, when I was to manÿ an object of horror as a daring rebel, who would not crouch to Despotic power—and—when you was elevated to the highest Station in your countrÿ, when by manÿ an insignificant Western...
Mr: Gallatin and Mr Bayard reached Gothenburg Roads, on the 20th: of June. A Russian Gentlemen who had come as passenger in the same vessel with them, and then proceeded by land to this place, brought me a letter from them dated 21 June, and arrived here, eighteen days since—They wrote me that they intended to proceed as speedily as possible upon their voyage—that they had letters for me from...
I have recd. yours by Mr. Mercer. The little enterprize projected by Mr. Monroe, would if compleatly successful have a seasonably good effect. But the view you have taken of it, is a very interesting one. The smallness of your effective force in Regulars, and the possible consequence of such a detachment from it, to such a distance, at Such a crisis, will doubtless have the weight with him...
I have recd. yours of the 18th. by Mr. Mercer and have weighed as well as I could the pros & cons of the little enterprize half-formed by you. If it cd. be eligibly undertaken under any auspices, I am sure it would be under yours. But I confess its success would seem to require more celerity & secrecy than might be attainable, and in our situation offensive measures even on a small scale would...
19 July 1813, New Orleans. “Influenced solely from a wish to serve a Citizen eminently entitled to private & public confidence, I take the liberty to recommend to your patronage, Mr Jos Saul, an inhabitant of this City, & the present Cashier of the Bank of Orleans. During eight years of his residence in my vicinity, I have had abundant proofs of Mr. Saul’s private & public worth; an ardent...