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Results 22771-22780 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
I know not whether you are acquainted with the Bearer of this Letter Samuel G. Perkins Esqr, or his Lady a Daughter of the aged and Honourable Stephen Higginson Esqr. Mr Perkins was one of my Associates in the Board of Trustees and Visitors. We have thought it, a fortunate Opportunity, Politicks apart, to Send your Sons with Mr and Mrs. Perkins, and their Son about Johns age, and especially as...
Mr Ticknor will go with your Sons. Let me introduce him to you. His Reputation is that of one of the first Schollars. W. Shaw will tell you how many Languages he reads. His Politicks are of little consequence to me, and I know them not. Probably of the Boston Fashion. My Son! You are now in the most difficult and dangerous Situation that you ever was in. You will be courted by Dissenters by...
We live in dayly, hourly hopes of Letters from you at Paris. I wrote you by the Milo Capt Glover, and have written by the New Packett Captain Bronson, who is to carry your Sons under the care of Mr Samuel G. Perkins and his Lady. Two of our belle Esprits, the Greek Professor and Mr Ticknor, go in the Same Ship. The opportunity is favourable for our young Gentlemen, as far as We can judge. The...
The Galen, Capt Tracy, is ready to sail, and by her I write you a few lines altho much in haste. to say that we are all well, and preparing your sons; to send to you, in the crew packet. Captain Branson for Liverpool; he is from Hingham, and well known by the Children, which renders it much more agreable to them, than going with a Stranger. I hoped to have heard from you again, before we sent...
will be so good as to send the enclosed to Dr Tufts, & she will oblige me—I have not time now only to request you to give our love to the dear Lads, who are going to the arms of the best of Parents—May they reach him in safty, & rejoice his heart—My dear Brother, & Sister, have long sacrificed private feelings, to the publick Interest—Though I regret the satisfaction you are deprived of, in...
Washington used to say Sometimes “They work me hard” Sam. Allen Otis said a day or two before his Death “They work me two hard” And I who have not the Honor to be “ Father of my Country” nor Secretary of the Senate, might now say in my Octoginary year, that John Taylor and a dozen others, some of them greater and some of them less Men, now work me confoundedly hard: but I will not say it. I...
I inclose a Slip with an Essay in it, Signed Richlieu The Editor has poisoned it, with a Silly introduction; but that will not hurt it with you, ‘tho’ it Spoils it here. Who this Connecticut Gentleman is, I cannot conjecture. I did not believe, and cannot yet believe, that there is Brains enough, united with Courage and application enough, in that State to produce Such a paper. Trumbul?...
I am at a loss how to express my obligations for your kind remembrance after the long interruption to our correspondance. Be assured dear Madam it is not because I am insensible to the favor you have conferred on me. I feel the full force of your condecension. I also feel how inadequate I am to offer you any suitable return for the gratification your letters afford me, therefore I have been...
With a trembling hand, I inform you of the removal of my dear Companion and best friend, by the stroke of death, this morning, between three & 4 OClock. She was seiz’d with a lung-complaint, was yesterday unwell but not confind; went to bed comfortable, and slept till after midnight, waked in distress, and soon was call’d without any peculiar struggle, in the full exercise of reason, I trust...
I am going to ask you a curious question Nothing less, than the Name of the Gentleman who visited us on Saturday week? he was accompanied by a Mr Channing of coneticut whom I knew—and introduced to me by name, but So indistincly, that I could not discover his Name; he informd me that he had been at your House the week before; Spoke of mr Peabody, and you, as old acquaintanc inquired...