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Results 22771-22820 of 184,431 sorted by author
I thought Sir, when I received your Letter that it had forever Closed our Correspondence but I...
When I did myself the honour to write to you upon the Subject of My Slave withheld by the Quakers...
I had the pleasure of receiving your Letter by Mr Gist: and I assure you, I should look upon it...
We Depute Colo. George Washington to sign our Names to any of the Proceedings of this Congress....
This day fortnight I wrote to Your Excellency in obedience to the Orders Recd by Col: Baylor,...
I intercepted a deserter this evening from Elizth Town in his way to Chester County Pensylvania....
That I have not availd myself of the liberty of writing to you, which your Excellency’s request...
Letter not found : from Theodorick Bland, 22 Sept. 1779. On 13 Oct., GW wrote Bland: “I have been...
I was honord with your Excellencys favor enclosing a letter for the Govr of Virginia which was...
The letter from the delegation to your Excellency will apprize you of the Situation of Public...
I am happy to Inform your Excy that the Continental Escort Arrived and proceeded on yesterday...
Letter not found: from Theodorick Bland, c.1 Nov. 1778. On 3 Nov., Bland informed GW that “I...
Letter not found : from Theodorick Bland, 23 Sept. 1779. On 13 Oct., GW wrote Bland: “I have been...
Letter not found: from Col. Theodorick Bland, 19 April 1778. On 3 May, Bland wrote GW , “This day...
From the Commencement of the Present war I have devoted my time, regardless of domestic concerns...
I only this afternoon was honord with your Excelly’s letter of the 17th Instt relating to Brigadr...
Letter not found: from Theodorick Bland, 4 Nov. 1786. On 18 Nov. GW wrote Bland of “the receipt...
By Cornet Fauntleroy, I have sent from this Place fifty one Horses all in Good order, besides...
Yr. Excellency will I hope excuse the liberty I take to Introduce to you the Marquis de La Valle...
As My Regt was destitute of a Paymaster when I quitted Camp, from the Resignation of Mr Joseph...
When yr order dated White Plains Augt 3d reached me, I was in Williamsburgh, whither I had gone...
Letter not found: from Col. Theodorick Bland, 27 Mar. 1778. On 10 April, Bland wrote GW , “This...
I have the Pleasure to Inform your Excelly that Leiutt Lindsay came a Cross two Prisoners near...
Having been inform’d that since your Excellencys Appointment to the Government of this...
In my last I had the honor to inform yr Excelly that your letter which came enclosed to me...
Being detaind by almost two days heavy Rain I did not arrive at this Place before to day, where I...
Letter not found : from Col. Theodorick Bland, 10 July 1779. GW wrote Bland on 27 July: “I...
Having Sent off expresses on the 6th of the month to the officers Commandg the Militia of the...
Letter not found : from Col. Theodorick Bland, 26 June 1779. GW wrote Bland on 20 Aug.: “Your...
I have been honord with your Excellencys two favors of the 31st Ultimo and the 4th Inst—the...
Mr. Walker, who sets off to Virginia tomorrow, affords us this opportunity of Enclosing your...
Letter not found: from Theodorick Bland, 9 Nov. 1786. On 18 Nov. GW wrote Bland of “the receipt...
Many Events have lately occurrd which have occasioned me to trouble your Excelly with my...
Since Closing my letter to you of this day Mr Addison Lewis of my Regt has applyed to me on acct...
Richmond, March 20, 1787. Acknowledges receipt of a circular letter from Hamilton, James Duane,...
The last Division of the troops of the Convention arrived here this day and were transferred by...
In persuance of the orders I received to obtain all the Intelligence in my power of any movement...
I[n] persuance of yr Excellencys Commands you will herewith receive enclosed a weekly Return of...
I was yesterday favord with yr Excellency’s letter of the 3d inst. dated from head Quarters...
A French officer of the name of Dubuisson a Colonel in our Army and formerly aid to the Baron Du...
I have detached Let Coll Temple with a small Party from Matsons to the Lancaster Road with orders...
Having been a few days ago honord with a Letter from the President of Congress, informing me of...
This day fort’night I did myself the Pleasure to Inform Yr Excy of my situation and prospects at...
I have taken the liberty to enclose to your Excellency a letter addressd to Genl Carleton on acct...
This will serve to acknowledge the Rect of Yr Excellys Containg the Circular Letters, and two...
I understand that you are one of the most active promoters of that valuable institution, expected...
I am Sorry to Inform Yr Excelly that a Total stop is put to the March of the Convention troops...
RC (Virginia State Library). This letter is signed only by Bland and is in his hand. In his first...
My private affairs since I left the Post at Charlotteville (which I did, in consequence of yr...
Some overtures having been made to Congress, through Mr. Jay our Commissioner at the Court of...