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Results 22771-22800 of 184,431 sorted by author
I thought Sir, when I received your Letter that it had forever Closed our Correspondence but I...
When I did myself the honour to write to you upon the Subject of My Slave withheld by the Quakers...
I had the pleasure of receiving your Letter by Mr Gist: and I assure you, I should look upon it...
We Depute Colo. George Washington to sign our Names to any of the Proceedings of this Congress....
This day fortnight I wrote to Your Excellency in obedience to the Orders Recd by Col: Baylor,...
I intercepted a deserter this evening from Elizth Town in his way to Chester County Pensylvania....
That I have not availd myself of the liberty of writing to you, which your Excellency’s request...
Letter not found : from Theodorick Bland, 22 Sept. 1779. On 13 Oct., GW wrote Bland: “I have been...
I was honord with your Excellencys favor enclosing a letter for the Govr of Virginia which was...
The letter from the delegation to your Excellency will apprize you of the Situation of Public...
I am happy to Inform your Excy that the Continental Escort Arrived and proceeded on yesterday...
Letter not found: from Theodorick Bland, c.1 Nov. 1778. On 3 Nov., Bland informed GW that “I...
Letter not found : from Theodorick Bland, 23 Sept. 1779. On 13 Oct., GW wrote Bland: “I have been...
Letter not found: from Col. Theodorick Bland, 19 April 1778. On 3 May, Bland wrote GW , “This day...
From the Commencement of the Present war I have devoted my time, regardless of domestic concerns...
I only this afternoon was honord with your Excelly’s letter of the 17th Instt relating to Brigadr...
Letter not found: from Theodorick Bland, 4 Nov. 1786. On 18 Nov. GW wrote Bland of “the receipt...
By Cornet Fauntleroy, I have sent from this Place fifty one Horses all in Good order, besides...
Yr. Excellency will I hope excuse the liberty I take to Introduce to you the Marquis de La Valle...
As My Regt was destitute of a Paymaster when I quitted Camp, from the Resignation of Mr Joseph...
When yr order dated White Plains Augt 3d reached me, I was in Williamsburgh, whither I had gone...
Letter not found: from Col. Theodorick Bland, 27 Mar. 1778. On 10 April, Bland wrote GW , “This...
I have the Pleasure to Inform your Excelly that Leiutt Lindsay came a Cross two Prisoners near...
Having been inform’d that since your Excellencys Appointment to the Government of this...
In my last I had the honor to inform yr Excelly that your letter which came enclosed to me...
Being detaind by almost two days heavy Rain I did not arrive at this Place before to day, where I...
Letter not found : from Col. Theodorick Bland, 10 July 1779. GW wrote Bland on 27 July: “I...
Having Sent off expresses on the 6th of the month to the officers Commandg the Militia of the...
Letter not found : from Col. Theodorick Bland, 26 June 1779. GW wrote Bland on 20 Aug.: “Your...
I have been honord with your Excellencys two favors of the 31st Ultimo and the 4th Inst—the...