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Results 22771-22780 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Th: Jefferson presents his friendly respects to mr Hay and incloses him an order on Gibson & Jefferson for 50.D. for his services in the suit of Scott against him. he hopes it will be forced on at the first calling that he may be rid of the obligation which the purchaser required of him. he salutes mr Hay with friendship & respect. PoC ( DLC ); dateline at foot of text; endorsed by TJ....
I have lately turned over our Historians, Ramsay Gordon, Mrs Warren, Marshall, to search for a Statistical devellopement of that most powerful Instrument and most efficacious cause of Success, in our revolutionary War; a maritime and naval Force. I beg of you to do the same, and see, what a miserable lame meagre appearance it makes. As you are writing a History of the same period I wish you...
Mine Eyes are better. I am angry with you for calling our Navy little. It is the greatest Navy in the World. Far greater than the Brittish. I rejoice in the Glory of the Essex, and her Captain Porter: but he ought not to have threatened to revenge himself upon Lima. What is himself, and myself and yourself? He should have vindicated the honour of his Country. I am glad that Mr Gray applauds...
The time, at which we have reason to expect an ascendancy on Lake Ontario, has arrived. If our hopes on that head be fulfilled, though but for a short period, we must avail ourselves of the circumstances, to give to the Campaign, a new & increased activity. For this purpose, our forces on the Ontario should be concentrated , because neither Section of them, as they are now divided, is...
Should Mr Nelsons bill appropriating 30,000$ to encourage the destruction of enemys Vessels pass, and that Sum or part of it, be used for proper preperation and an organized system—of submarine attack, there is every reason to hope for succh success as will give you real pleasure, and animate the nation, an individual from his private purse cannot carry new improvements in war into effect...
From a knowledge that research into the history of the primitive inhabitants of America , is one of your favorite amusements, I take the liberty of making this communication. my attention to the subject, was first awakened on reading when a boy, the observations contained in the “Notes on Virginia ” and it has become, with me, a favorite theme of speculation. I often visited the mound, and...
On the 4 th inst I had the honor to write you inclosing an account of my experiments on submarine firing, have the goodness to inform me if received is it and have sent it to M r Madison , RC ( MHi ); at foot of text: “Thomas Jefferson Esq r
I received yesterday your Letter of the 4th April. I was grieved to find by it, that your spirits are so deprest, and your health so infirm. you have had great calls upon your fortitude, and the trial of your virtues, since your seperation from your Friends— we know upon what terms we hold our existance here. the Christian looks beyond this State of trial for the reward promissed to those who...
I have duly recd. your letter of the 20th. The newspaper of this day will inform you that a Proclamation has issued recommending the 2d. thursday of September to be generally observed as a day of religious solemnity. The delay proceeded from that of Congs. who were expected to lay the foundation for the measure as they did last year. No time was lost after their Resolution reached my hands. I...
The report mentioned in Mr. Pleasant’s letter to you is one of the many fabrications of the busy idlers of this place. It is entirely without foundation. I am Sir, with the highest respect, Your most Obedient servant RC ( DLC ). See James Pleasants Jr. to JM, 24 July 1813 .