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Results 22771-22820 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Th: Jefferson presents his friendly respects to mr Hay and incloses him an order on Gibson &...
I have lately turned over our Historians, Ramsay Gordon, Mrs Warren, Marshall, to search for a...
Mine Eyes are better. I am angry with you for calling our Navy little. It is the greatest Navy in...
The time, at which we have reason to expect an ascendancy on Lake Ontario, has arrived. If our...
Should Mr Nelsons bill appropriating 30,000$ to encourage the destruction of enemys Vessels pass,...
From a knowledge that research into the history of the primitive inhabitants of America , is one...
On the 4 th inst I had the honor to write you inclosing an account of my experiments on submarine...
I received yesterday your Letter of the 4th April. I was grieved to find by it, that your spirits...
I have duly recd. your letter of the 20th. The newspaper of this day will inform you that a...
The report mentioned in Mr. Pleasant’s letter to you is one of the many fabrications of the busy...
From the unequivocal and positive order received from the Secretary of War, (a copy of which I...
My duty to the Nation, solicitude for the prosperity of your administration, for yourself a...
The anxious solicitude I feel on the subject must be my apology for this intrusion on your time....
24 July 1813 , “ Nassau Prison Ship, Chatham (England) .” “We Conceive ourselves in duty bound...
24 July 1813, War Department. “I have the honor respectfully to propose for your approbation the...
24 July 1813, Georgetown. “I wrote you a letter a few days ago [not found] and lodged the same in...
24 July 1813, Baltimore. “Indisposed as you are I feel a reluctance in troubling you with this...
In compliance with your favor of the 20 th I have remitted to M r Hooe and Judge Holmes the sums...
I enclose at the request of a person unknown to me a letter for you —the author declares it to...
Your favour of 15th is alarming. Remember the fate of Cassandra. The prophet of ill ’tho’ as true...
Our mutual Friend Mrs Cushing called upon me a few days since and informed me that she expects...
Whereas the Congress of the United States, by a joint resolution of the two Houses, have...
I recieved duly your favor of the 3 d and in it the Description of your apparatus for blowing up...
I have duly recieved your favor of the 8 th and entirely concur in opinion with you as to the...
I have duly recieved yours of the 8 th and am really concerned for the difficult circumstances of...
Dr Priestley, in a letter to Mr Lindsey Northumberland Nov. 4. 1803 Says “As you were pleased...
Knowing the friendship which existed between you & our Late Illustrious Prof. Rush & the exalted...
I am encouraged by your goodness, expressed thro Mr Gallatin, to trouble you with a letter on the...
22 July 1813, Washington. “Commissions having been granted during the recess of the Senate to the...
22 July 1813, Washington. “I recommend James Finney Esqr of the Illinois Territory as a judge of...
D r Priestley , in a letter to M r Lindsey Northumberland Nov. 4. 1803 Says “ As you were pleased...
I have been highly gratified by your obliging letter recd Yesterday. You need not give yourself...
Since the voice of Liberty has resounded throughout the extensive Territories of Rio de la Plata,...
21 July 1813, Navy Department. “The appointments, & nominations on the enclosed paper, are...
21 July 1813 , “ Fortress of Buenos Ayres .” “I have the honor to transmit some Public papers by...
Your favor of the 6 th was exactly two weeks getting to this place instead of the two days in...
I wrote Mrs Burwell to send my horses to meet me at Monticello , under an expectation I should...
Poplar Forest. Grown persons plains homespun shirting Children woolen homesp. shirt g Hall. ✓ 3 ✓...
Your letter of the 24 th of June has been received and read with great pleasure—If the war...
Immediately on the reciept of your favor of July 8. I forwarded it to the President , and had no...
Availing myself of your kind offer , I forwarded to Staunton by the stage 39.℔ unwashed Merino...
I am one of the unfortunate upon whom the blockade came before I had sold a barrel of my flour. I...
your letter of aprile 21 th inclosed by one from Col Greenup came to hand yesterday, my Father to...
Permit me to introduce to your acquaintance, M r Joseph Bellinger of Barnwell District in this...
Your favours of the 3d. 5th. 7th. & 8th are before me, & call for a renewal of my acknowledgments...
I have your letter of the 16th I hasten to ansr. it as I have by the same post receivd a Letter...
Confidential There being sufficient ground to infer, that it is the purpose of the Enemy to...
At the request of my friend, Capt George Crowninshield the son, I have presumed to inform the...
There appears to be at this time 11. Sail of Armed Vessels Vitze. 4.   74s. Certainly 2   64s. 74...
20 July 1813 , “ On Board H M Prison Ships in Chatham. ” “This comes from prisoner of war that...