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Results 22771-22780 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
ALS (draft): Library of Congress I believe it is very unusual for one Man to pay another’s Debts without being desired so to do by the Debtor, or knowing that he acknowledges the Sum demanded to be due. Mr. Hood is as much a Stranger to me as he is to you. You have lent him 3 Guineas: I have lent him 30, supposing him an honest Man: By the Account you give me of his Treatment of you, and which...
AL : American Philosophical Society Feutry supplie Monsieur de Francklin &c. de vouloir accepter cette foible marque de son estime et de son respect. Ce Robinson et ces opuscules pourront peut être amuser ses petits Enfans. A demain à onze heures Jeudi matin hôtel de hambourg. Feutry attend ses autres ouvrages, moins frivoles, mais peutetre plus tristes, pour des français S’entend. This and...
ALS : American Philosophical Society L’abbé Georgel demeurant ches S.A. Mgr. le prince Louis de Rohan et cy devant chargé des affaires de france a la cour de Vienne a L’honneur d’adresser a Monsieur francklin le jeune homme porteur de ce billet. Il est breton, de parens d’extraction Noble et ancienne. Destiné a être officer dans le regiment de dragons de la Rochefoucault ou il etoit Cadet...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Paris, April 9, 1777, in French: Sends a letter from M. Arrenberg of Rotterdam, entrusted to his care and addressed to Franklin; please acknowledge its receipt.> For the writer, academician, and censor of the theatre (1733–1817) see Larousse, Dictionnaire universel . The letter he was forwarding is above, March 31.
22775General Orders, 9 April 1777 (Washington Papers)
Major Dunn being obliged to attend Major General St Clair to Philadelphia, to which place he is called by Congress—Lt Col. Conner will be obliging enough to discharge the duty of Adjutant General pro tempore. The Commander in Chief begs that Genl St Clair will accept his most sincere thanks, for superintending the duties of that office, of Adjutant General; and that Major Dunn will also accept...
I am honoured with yours of the 4th inclosing sundry Resolves of Congress from the 29th March to the 5th instant. I am extremely glad to see the Resolve for the immediate removal of Military Stores from Baltimore and Annapolis, for altho’ I do not imagine that the Enemy intend an expedition of any great Consequence in Chesapeak Bay, yet while the Stores lay at the above places, they were...
Yesterday Evening the Congress compleated the Business of the Medical Department, and on so large and liberal an Establishment that we may rationally expect the most beneficial Effects will flow from it. Every Encouragement is given to Gentlemen of Skill and Reputation in that Art to enter into our Army, and a Variety of Regulations adopted to carry the Plan more effectually into Execution. As...
Colo. Wilkinson’s personal attachment for General Gates has induced him to be one of his Aids de Camp, & to apply for leave to resign his Command in your Batn. To this I have consented; and have now to inform you, that the general good Character of Maj. Conner (formerly Genl Armstrong’s B. Majr) has induced me to appoint him to that Vacancy: in discharge of which office I trust he will acquit...
Yesterday I received pr Col. Johonnot the honor of your’s of the 29th ultimo—and observe your Excellency’s pressing & positive Orders for hastening the Troops—This I have been doing with unremitted Assiduity—and the moment a Detachment is equipped I order them to march—There are now on the march to Peeks-kill, a Detachment of Col. Greaton’s Regt upwards of One Hundred fine Fellows well armed...
I take the liberty of transmitting you a Copy of a paper addressed to me by Lieut. Colo. Walcot of your Army, which came inclosed in a Letter from Lieut. Genl Lord Cornwallis. It is with peculiar regret, I am constrained to observe, that this illiberal performance of Colo. Walcot, is obviously calculated, to answer a less generous purpose than that of merely effecting an exchange—contains a...