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Results 22771-22800 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
ALS (draft): Library of Congress I believe it is very unusual for one Man to pay another’s Debts...
AL : American Philosophical Society Feutry supplie Monsieur de Francklin &c. de vouloir accepter...
ALS : American Philosophical Society L’abbé Georgel demeurant ches S.A. Mgr. le prince Louis de...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Paris, April 9, 1777, in French: Sends a letter from M....
22775General Orders, 9 April 1777 (Washington Papers)
Major Dunn being obliged to attend Major General St Clair to Philadelphia, to which place he is...
I am honoured with yours of the 4th inclosing sundry Resolves of Congress from the 29th March to...
Yesterday Evening the Congress compleated the Business of the Medical Department, and on so large...
Colo. Wilkinson’s personal attachment for General Gates has induced him to be one of his Aids de...
Yesterday I received pr Col. Johonnot the honor of your’s of the 29th ultimo—and observe your...
I take the liberty of transmitting you a Copy of a paper addressed to me by Lieut. Colo. Walcot...
Having heard that your State have appointed Lieutt Colo. Geo. Stricker to the Command of a...
I esteem it a singular honour done me by your Excellency in offering me the post of Adjutant...
I—You will repair immediately to Philadelphia, and use your utmost endeavours to hasten the...
Letter not found: from Major General Stirling, 9 April 1777. In a letter to Stirling of 10 April,...
From every peice of intelligence which we have lately recd, it appears that the Enemy are making...
Yours by post I have received, and with what Armes is Arrived this way, hope will be a full...
Agreeable to your request, I inquired of Gen: Knox, concerning a vacancy of a Captain’s birth in...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je partois pour Passy, lorsque ma femme s’est trouvée si mal...
22789General Orders, 10 April 1777 (Washington Papers)
John Laurence Esqr. is appointed Judge Advocate, in the room of William Tudor Esqr. who has...
Col. Chambers, who has been omitted in the appointments lately made by your State, expresses a...
In obedience to an order of Congress we do ourselves the honor to inform your Excellency of the...
I acknowledge your favour of the 9th of January last. By desire of Mr Guild I have inclos’d his...
I was just now honored with your Letter of the 9th Instant, covering Sundry Resolutions of...
Your favr of yesterday’s Date I have just Rec’d by the Return Express and shall be laid before...
I have, within these few days, received an application from the honorable Messrs Sever and...
Letter not found: to Capt. John Hunter, 10 April 1777. In his letter to GW of 23 April , Hunter...
I am very sorry that I was not in this City when General Green was here; nothing cou’d give me...
The resolves of Congress, that you will receive by this Messenger, you may be assured, are not...
Inclosed you have an Information which was given in Yesterday, by a Man who was in Newyork on...
Application has been made to me, by the State of Massachusets for part of the Blankets lately...