George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Moses Hazen, 4 June 1782

Head Quarters 4th June 1782


I have received your favr of the 27th May—and am much concerned to find that Capt. Asgill has been sent on notwithstandg the Information which you had received of there being two unconditional Prisoners of War in our possession—I much fear that the Enemy, knowg our Delicacy respectg the propriety of Retaliating upon a Capitulation Officer in any Case, and being acquainted that unconditional prisoners are with in our power, will put an unfavorable Construction upon this Instance of our Conduct—At least, under present Circumstances, Capt. Asgills Application to Sir Guy Carleton will, I fear, be productive of remonstrance & Recrimination only, which may possibly tend to place the Subject upon a disadvantageous footg.

To remedy therefore as soon as possible this Mistake, you will be pleased immediately to Order that Lieut. Turner, the Officer you mention to be confined in York Goal, or any Other prisoner who falls within my first Discription, may be conveyed on to Phila. under the same Regulations & Directions as were heretofore given—that he may take the place of Capt. Asgill.

In the mean Time, least any Misinformation respectg Mr Turner, may have reached you, which might Occasion further Mistake & Delay, Capt. Asgill will be detained untill I can learn a Certainty of Lieut. Turners or some other Officers answer your purpose; and as this Detention will leave the Young Gentleman now with us in a very disagreeable State of Anxiety and Suspence, I must Desire that you will be pleased to use every Means in you power, to make the greatest Dispach in the Excecution of this Order. I am &c.

DLC: Papers of George Washington.

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