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Results 22751-22800 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
22751 Waring, Morton A. Madison, James To James Madison from Morton A. Waring, 29 July 1813 1813-07-29 With much pain and regret I have seen announced in the Gazette, the rejection made by the Senate...
22752 Jones, William Draft of a Naval General Order, [ca. 29 July] 1813 1813-07-29 The palpable and criminal intercourse held with the enemys forces blockading and invading the...
22753 Armstrong, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Armstrong, 29 July 1813 … 1813-07-29 29 July 1813, War Department. “I have the honor respectfully to propose for your approbation the...
22754 Gibson, Patrick Jefferson, Thomas Patrick Gibson to Thomas Jefferson, 29 July 1813 1813-07-29 M r Derieux called upon me a few days ago not a little alarmed by the letter he had just received...
22755 Holmes, Hugh Jefferson, Thomas Hugh Holmes to Thomas Jefferson, 29 July 1813 1813-07-29 I delayed the acknowledgement of the receipt of the wool for the purpose of ascertaining the time...
22756 Madison, James Senate From James Madison to the Senate, 28 July 1813 1813-07-28 I transmit to the Senate a Report of the acting Secretary of the Treasury, containing the...
22757 Madison, James Smith, Samuel Harrison From James Madison to Samuel Harrison Smith, 28 July … 1813-07-28 If it be not inconvenient for Mr. Smith to ride to the City, J. Madison will thank him for an...
22758 Turner, Philip Madison, James To James Madison from Philip Turner, 28 July 1813 1813-07-28 To the Honble. James Madison Esqr president of the United States, The Head of the nation, where...
22759 Armstrong, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Armstrong, 28 July 1813 … 1813-07-28 28 July 1813, War Department. “I have the honor respectfully to propose for your approbation the...
22760 Anderson, Joseph Madison, James To James Madison from Joseph Anderson, 27 July 1813 1813-07-27 Some time ago in a conversation with Col Monroe I informed him that a Bill was then pending,...
22761 Astor, John Jacob Madison, James To James Madison from John Jacob Astor, 27 July 1813 1813-07-27 From a belive that the merrits of the undertaking of the american furr company may not have ben...
22762 Armstrong, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Armstrong, 27 July 1813 … 1813-07-27 27 July 1813, War Department. “I have the honor respectfully to propose for your approbation the...
22763 Ewell, Thomas Madison, James To James Madison from Thomas Ewell, 27 July 1813 … 1813-07-27 27 July 1813. “It is a singular and important fact, that a republican government depends so much...
22764 Derieux, Peter (Justin Pierre Plumard) Jefferson, Thomas Peter Derieux to Thomas Jefferson, 27 July 1813 1813-07-27 J’ai recu la lettre que vous m’avés fait L’honneur de m’ecrire le 23. courant , mais trop tard...
22765 Tayloe, John Jefferson, Thomas John Tayloe to Thomas Jefferson, 27 July 1813 1813-07-27 I trust you will excuse the liberty I take—in having the honor to enclose you the within...
22766 Adams, John Carey, Mathew From John Adams to Mathew Carey, 26 July 1813 1813-07-26 Our old Commodores & Captains, are not so ardent for glory as they were 35 years ago. One of the...
22767 Buel, Samuel Madison, James To James Madison from Samuel Buel, 26 July 1813 … 1813-07-26 26 July 1813, Washington. “I had recently the honor to commit to the honorable Secretary acting...
22768 Kent, Joseph Madison, James To James Madison from Joseph Kent, 26 July 1813 … 1813-07-26 26 July 1813 , “ House of Representatives .” “About a year ago, I delivered you several letters...
22769 Rider, Philip Madison, James To James Madison from Philip Rider, ca. 26 July 1813 … 1813-07-26 Ca. 26 July 1813. “Haveing Wrote Several letters to the Commisary General of Prisoners of War to...
22770 Jefferson, Thomas Goodman, Jeremiah A. Thomas Jefferson to Jeremiah A. Goodman, 26 July 1813 1813-07-26 Hercules arrived here on the 22 d having been discharged from Buckingham jail on the 20 th where...
22771 Jefferson, Thomas Hay, George Thomas Jefferson to George Hay, 26 July 1813 1813-07-26 Th: Jefferson presents his friendly respects to mr Hay and incloses him an order on Gibson &...
22772 Adams, John Plumer, William From John Adams to William Plumer, 25 July 1813 1813-07-25 I have lately turned over our Historians, Ramsay Gordon, Mrs Warren, Marshall, to search for a...
22773 Adams, John Waterhouse, Benjamin From John Adams to Benjamin Waterhouse, 25 July 1813 1813-07-25 Mine Eyes are better. I am angry with you for calling our Navy little. It is the greatest Navy in...
22774 Armstrong, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Armstrong, 25 July 1813 1813-07-25 The time, at which we have reason to expect an ascendancy on Lake Ontario, has arrived. If our...
22775 Fulton, Robert Madison, James To James Madison from Robert Fulton, 25 July 1813 1813-07-25 Should Mr Nelsons bill appropriating 30,000$ to encourage the destruction of enemys Vessels pass,...
22776 Brackenridge, Henry Marie Jefferson, Thomas Henry M. Brackenridge to Thomas Jefferson, 25 July 1813 1813-07-25 From a knowledge that research into the history of the primitive inhabitants of America , is one...
22777 Fulton, Robert Jefferson, Thomas Robert Fulton to Thomas Jefferson, 25 July 1813 1813-07-25 On the 4 th inst I had the honor to write you inclosing an account of my experiments on submarine...
22778 Adams, Abigail Smith Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson From Abigail Smith Adams to Louisa Catherine Johnson … 1813-07-24 I received yesterday your Letter of the 4th April. I was grieved to find by it, that your spirits...
22779 Madison, James Miller, Samuel From James Madison to Samuel Miller, 24 July 1813 1813-07-24 I have duly recd. your letter of the 20th. The newspaper of this day will inform you that a...
22780 Armstrong, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Armstrong, 24 July 1813 1813-07-24 The report mentioned in Mr. Pleasant’s letter to you is one of the many fabrications of the busy...
22781 Dearborn, Henry Madison, James To James Madison from Henry Dearborn, 24 July 1813 1813-07-24 From the unequivocal and positive order received from the Secretary of War, (a copy of which I...
22782 Jones, William Madison, James To James Madison from William Jones, 24 July 1813 1813-07-24 My duty to the Nation, solicitude for the prosperity of your administration, for yourself a...
22783 Pleasants, James, Jr. Madison, James To James Madison from James Pleasants Jr., 24 July 1813 1813-07-24 The anxious solicitude I feel on the subject must be my apology for this intrusion on your time....
22784 American Prisoners of War Madison, James To James Madison from American Prisoners of War, 24 … 1813-07-24 24 July 1813 , “ Nassau Prison Ship, Chatham (England) .” “We Conceive ourselves in duty bound...
22785 Armstrong, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Armstrong, 24 July 1813 … 1813-07-24 24 July 1813, War Department. “I have the honor respectfully to propose for your approbation the...
22786 Smith, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Smith, 24 July 1813 … 1813-07-24 24 July 1813, Georgetown. “I wrote you a letter a few days ago [not found] and lodged the same in...
22787 Spence, Robert T. Madison, James To James Madison from Robert T. Spence, 24 July 1813 … 1813-07-24 24 July 1813, Baltimore. “Indisposed as you are I feel a reluctance in troubling you with this...
22788 Gibson, Patrick Jefferson, Thomas Patrick Gibson to Thomas Jefferson, 24 July 1813 1813-07-24 In compliance with your favor of the 20 th I have remitted to M r Hooe and Judge Holmes the sums...
22789 Troup, George M. Jefferson, Thomas George M. Troup to Thomas Jefferson, 24 July 1813 1813-07-24 I enclose at the request of a person unknown to me a letter for you —the author declares it to...
22790 Adams, John Smith, William Stephens From John Adams to William Stephens Smith, 23 July 1813 1813-07-23 Your favour of 15th is alarming. Remember the fate of Cassandra. The prophet of ill ’tho’ as true...
22791 Warren, Mercy Otis Adams, Abigail Smith From Mercy Otis Warren to Abigail Smith Adams, 23 July … 1813-07-23 Our mutual Friend Mrs Cushing called upon me a few days since and informed me that she expects...
22792 Madison, James Presidential Proclamation, [23 July] 1813 1813-07-23 Whereas the Congress of the United States, by a joint resolution of the two Houses, have...
22793 Jefferson, Thomas Cruse, Englehart Thomas Jefferson to Englehart Cruse, 23 July 1813 1813-07-23 I recieved duly your favor of the 3 d and in it the Description of your apparatus for blowing up...
22794 Jefferson, Thomas DeLacy, John Devereux Thomas Jefferson to John Devereux DeLacy, 23 July 1813 1813-07-23 I have duly recieved your favor of the 8 th and entirely concur in opinion with you as to the...
22795 Jefferson, Thomas Derieux, Peter (Justin Pierre Plumard) Thomas Jefferson to Peter Derieux, 23 July 1813 1813-07-23 I have duly recieved yours of the 8 th and am really concerned for the difficult circumstances of...
22796 Adams, John Jefferson, Thomas From John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, 22 July 1813 1813-07-22 Dr Priestley, in a letter to Mr Lindsey Northumberland Nov. 4. 1803 Says “As you were pleased...
22797 Waterhouse, John Fothergill Adams, John To John Adams from John Fothergill Waterhouse, 22 July … 1813-07-22 Knowing the friendship which existed between you & our Late Illustrious Prof. Rush & the exalted...
22798 Coxe, Tench Madison, James To James Madison from Tench Coxe, 22 July 1813 1813-07-22 I am encouraged by your goodness, expressed thro Mr Gallatin, to trouble you with a letter on the...
22799 Madison, James Senate From James Madison to the Senate, 22 July 1813 … 1813-07-22 22 July 1813, Washington. “Commissions having been granted during the recess of the Senate to the...
22800 Bond, Shadrach Madison, James To James Madison from Shadrach Bond, 22 July 1813 … 1813-07-22 22 July 1813, Washington. “I recommend James Finney Esqr of the Illinois Territory as a judge of...