Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from T. Selby, 4 June 1808

Philadelphia, June 4th. 1808.

Dear Sir,

I wish your would take this embargo off, as soon as you possibly can, for dam my eyes if I can live as it is. I shall certainly cut my throat, and if I do you will lose one of the best seaman that ever sailed. I have a wife and four young one’s to support and it goes damn’d hard with me now. If I dont cut my throat I will go join the English and fight against you. I hope, honored sir, you will forgive the abrupt manner in which this is wrote as I’m damn’d mad. But still if ever I catch you over there, take care of your honored neck!


T. Selby

No. 9. Pine St. if you want to see him, you damn’d rascal.

MoSHi: Bixby Collection.

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