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Results 22741-22770 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
22741General Orders, 7 April 1777 (Washington Papers)
John Burke of Capt. Christy’s Company of the 3rd Pennsyl: Battalion, tried by a General Court...
Inclosed I transmit you a copy of a late resolve of Congress, by which you will perceive that in...
Inclosed is as particular a State of my Regiment as I can at present obtain. I have Several...
I am informed, there is a certain Mr Smith, who has been lately taken up by General Lincoln as a...
Emediately upon my appointment I Repaired to the State of New york where I entred on the...
Letter not found: from Col. Alexander Spotswood, 7 April 1777. In GW’s letter to Spotswood of 8...
I received your favour of 20th March and am truly sensable of the Honour intended Me & shall with...
The pay Abstract of the 10th Regiment of Connecticut Militia from October to January last, was...
I am informed, and indeed I have observed, that the men of your Regiment are so exceedingly bare...
Mr Verstilee delivered me your favour of the 1st Inst.—The account it contains of the Strength of...
Yours of 26 March came by this days Post. Am happy to hear you have received so many Letters from...
I received your Letter of 23d. March, and was very much pleased with it, because it is a pretty...
Your kind Favour of March 22. reached me Yesterday. I am much obliged to you for your Account of...
I had your Favour of 27 March by this Days Post. That this Country will go Safely through this...
Yours of the third came safe⟨ly to hand⟩ this Day and gave us great Pleasure by certifying your...
ALS : American Philosophical Society En attendant L’honneur de vous revoir Jeudi matin à L’hôtel...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I did not imagine you would have hesitated to pay me the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; letterbook copy: Yale University Library I thank you for...
22759General Orders, 8 April 1777 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
The bearer Mr Saml Kersley is One under the Nomination of a Captain in the minute I left yr...
I wrote you by the two last posts respectively, and hope that my letters have safely got to Head...
Inclosed you have Copy of a Letter which I have this Moment received from Mr Boudinot. You will...
Since I wrote You last his Excellency Sir William Howe has had a further Examination respecting...
The General Assembly of this State having adjourned to a distant day some time before your favour...
Your Excellency on the 22nd of December last wrote a Letter recommending that Measures should be...
Letter not found: to Col. Stephen Moylan, 8 April 1777. Moylan referred in his letter to GW of 14...
Since mine of the 21st of March I have receivd your Excellency’s Letters of the 6th 12th 20th &...
As your Letter of yesterdays date is rather a narative of what you have done, than any thing...
I am sorry to find by your Letter of yesterdays date that your Regiment is so much reduced —Let...
The Convention on having granted a Permission to Mr. Le Roy to repair to head Quarters in order...