Adams Papers

From Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams to John Quincy Adams, 12 February 1815

St Petersburg 12 Febry. 1815

My best Friend.

I am this instant setting off and have only time to say that nothing can equal my impatience to see you some of my business is necessarily left undone but I hope that you will forgive all that is not exactly correspondant to your wishes and recieve me with as much affection as fills my heart at this moment for you. I could not celebrate my birthday in a manner more delightful than in making the first step towards that meeting for which my Soul pants and for which I have hitherto hardly dared to express my desire but in the full conviction that the sentiment is mutual I leave this letter to be forwarded after my departure

and be prepared to expect your most affectionate Wife, & Child

L C & C Adams

MHi: Adams Papers.

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