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Results 22701-22750 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
You will now have no occasion to wish for more Snow, if at Quincy you are favoured with as much...
It is sometime since I have written to you and I feel that I owe you a Letter; you do not like...
Here we are, Seated by the fire Side, viz Sir myself and Louisa, Susan gone to her uncles, mrs...
Meyer & Bruxner have the honor to send Mrs. Adams the balance of the account transmitted of Four...
Me voici, at length out of Ghent; though I believe it had not been for the shame of fixing so...
I mentiond to mr D. Greenleaf the money which was to have been Sent to the Young Cranchs for...
Received of Mrs. Adams through the hands of Levett Harris Esq: Two Silver Loan Obligations of...
I wrote you a few lines on the day that the Treaty of Peace was signed, which I sent by Mr Hughes...
From all that I have yet seen of Bruxelles, I find it so agreeable that I almost regret not...
I am sure you must have thought me mad from the date of my last letter I was so teazed with...
I send you back, by Mr Bauwens, the first Volume of Madame de Stael’s Book which was brought with...
The confusion around me and the perpetual interruptions render it almost impossible for me to...
The promptitude with which you, complied with my request, merits my warmest thanks, and I hasten...
I received last Evening, all the articles you were so kind as to purchase for me. they were...
Your kind letter with that of Mrs Smith reached me the day before yesterday and I hasten to...
Paris. Hotel du Nord, Rue de Richelieu—Saturday 4. Feby: 1815. I arrived here at one O’Clock this...
I hasten to inform you of our safe Arrival at this City after as pleasant a journey as the Season...
I address you once more from this place and I cannot yet say when I shall be able to leave it as...
AU NOM DU ROI. Nous Ambassadeur de S. M. le Roi de France près S. M. l’Empereur de toutes les...
Your Theological queries, you must consult with your Learned minister. I am not able to solve...
We availed ourselves of the good Sleighing to visit our friends here, and it would have given us...
I received with much Gratitude my dear Madam your Affectionate, & condoling Epistle of the 8th....
you and your dear family may have wondered at my silence for some weeks past, but I have been...
I am this instant setting off and have only time to say that nothing can equal my impatience to...
Mr Harris has the honor to hand herewith inclosed to Mrs Adams the several passports and Letters...
I received only last friday your letter of the 5 Instant and have been since then endeavouring to...
Thanks be to kind Providence we are all alive though the cold Tuesday our blood seemed...
I received the Silk and chalk this mor’g on Wednesday. I wrote you and inclosed to you mr Adams...
We have proceeded thus far on our journey as well and with as much pleasure as we could possibly...
my dear Caroline must be informd that her Grand mothers Eyes are so much afflicted as to oblige...
After informing you by my last Letter of my arrival in this City, and of the Hotel where I had...
Again I owe an increase of my happiness in my Solitude to your kindness in honouring me with your...
I have recd. your Letter of Oct. 27. 1814. and that of 26. of November. I congrtulate you on the...
It was not untill the afternoon of yesterday that the post of Saturday reachd Quincy, and then it...
My last Letter to you, was of the 31st: of January, from Bruxelles; and I enclosed it to Mr...
I rejoice in your Recovery from Sickness and wish a perfect restoration of your health—I think I...
I congratulate you on the news of Peace; and thank God that you and my most excellent Aunt have...
It was not untill after Susan returnd last evening, that I received your Letter of Saturdays...
I hasten to acknowledge the receipt of the letter you did me the honor to write me from Riga,...
I have received your Letter of October. 27. 1814. and that of 26 of November. I congratulate you...
your Letter of Feb’ry 15th, lies yet unacknowledged My Spirits have been in a whirl, the...
Since my arrival in this City I have received your kind favour of 16. October—I have now been...
Your Letter of Nov’br 23d No 66. came by way of England and reachd me on the 12th of this Month....
Your Letter my dear Sister lies yet unnoticed, or rather I Should Say unreplied too The...
Since I wrote you in July last, I have had the pleasure of receiving your favour of 6. August, by...
I have the pleasure to inform you that the President sent the nomination to the senate yesterday...
I inclose to you mr Adams’s Letter of Novbr 23. the peace was it seems as unexpected to him a...
Your Letter N. 8. dated 31. January, which I received on Sunday last has explained the mistake in...
I received your kind letter of the 22d. of Feby. this morning—I have the pleasure to inform you...
I shall send George tomorrow by the stage and will be much obliged to your Father if he will go...