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Results 22701-22750 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Not having been favoured with an Answer to my letter to you on the 3d Ulto I flattered myself...
The enclosed Resolves of Congress, which I have the Honour of transmitting, will naturally claim...
22703General Orders, 4 April 1777 (Washington Papers)
The detachments, commanded by Capts. O’Harra, Bicker, Talbot and Selin, to hold themselves in...
I have to acknowledge the Receipt of your Favor of the 1st Instant by General Forman. I apprehend...
Your Orders of the 12th of March last came to hand this Day The contents of which I Duly Notice...
some of The Troops of this State began their March to join the Army Yesterday. they probably will...
I received your Orders dated Morris Town March 12th this day and have Accordingly inclosed you a...
I have neither seen nor heard of any Resolution of Congress approving or disproving of the...
Since my last I have had the pleasure of receiving your reply to my two favours of 29th. Ulto &...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Upon the News of your arrival in France I did myself the...
AL : American Philosophical Society Feutry aura L’honneur de se trouver demain dimanche chez...
22712General Orders, 5 April 1777 (Washington Papers)
A General Court Martial to sit to morrow at 9 O’Clock, for the trial of Lieut. Carnes of Col:...
I have received Intelligence this Evening from a person of undoubted Veracity (who has followed...
In order to shorten the March of the Massachusett’s Regiments intended for this quarter, They are...
Letter not found: to Maj. Gen. Horatio Gates, 5 April 1777. Gates wrote GW on 19 April : “I had...
The inclosed from Monsr le Chevr de Dreudhomme de Borre, with the papers annexed to it, were...
I am favd with yours of the 25th March. I have had no request as yet from the Council of your...
It is a most unfortunate circumstance for myself and I think not less for the Publick that the...
I have the honor of yours of Yesterday. I ⟨may⟩ have been mistaken in my interpretation of you⟨r⟩...
In order to shorten the March of such of the Troops from the State of Massachusetts, as are to...
Thornton returns to you well recover’d of the Small Pox, as I hope to hear that my Sister, and...
You have had many Rumours, propagated among you, which I suppose you know not how to account for....
This Evening Major Ward deliverd me Yours of 23d. of March.—It is a great Pleasure to me to learn...
This Evening I was favoured with yours of 24 March, by Major Ward. I thank you, sir for your kind...
The Business of the naval and marine Department, will I hope be soon put in a better Train than...
Yours of 23d March, was handed to me, this Evening by Major Ward. Your Letter from Plymouth by...
ALS (draft): Library of Congress I have just been honoured with a Letter from you, dated the 26th...
ALS : Connecticut Historical Society Herewith you will please to find Triplicate and Copy of my...
22729General Orders, 6 April 1777 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
Proclamation Whereas, many Soldiers, lately inlisted in the continental Army, not content with...
By Major Williams I beg leave to represent to your Excellency the distressed Situation of many of...
I have recd your Letters of the 6th 12th 20th & 29th of March. The first Detachment of the Troops...
I hope to receive some Letters from you this week, the date of the last was the 7 of March and...
As nothing worthy your Attention has occurred since I had the pleasure of seeing you at...
Morristown [ New Jersey ] April 7, 1777. Orders Heard to see that the number of officers is in...
Morristown [ New Jersey ] April 7, 1777. Orders release of “Mr. Smith” who had been acting as a...
ALS : Archivo Historico Nacional; ALS (draft): Library of Congress I left in your Excellency’s...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je vous est rendu conte Messieurs Du premier marché aresté...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Your letter of the 4th came to hand this morning and I...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Voici ce que vous avez eu la bonté de paroître desirer; je...
22741General Orders, 7 April 1777 (Washington Papers)
John Burke of Capt. Christy’s Company of the 3rd Pennsyl: Battalion, tried by a General Court...
Inclosed I transmit you a copy of a late resolve of Congress, by which you will perceive that in...
Inclosed is as particular a State of my Regiment as I can at present obtain. I have Several...
I am informed, there is a certain Mr Smith, who has been lately taken up by General Lincoln as a...
Emediately upon my appointment I Repaired to the State of New york where I entred on the...
Letter not found: from Col. Alexander Spotswood, 7 April 1777. In GW’s letter to Spotswood of 8...
I received your favour of 20th March and am truly sensable of the Honour intended Me & shall with...
The pay Abstract of the 10th Regiment of Connecticut Militia from October to January last, was...
I am informed, and indeed I have observed, that the men of your Regiment are so exceedingly bare...
Mr Verstilee delivered me your favour of the 1st Inst.—The account it contains of the Strength of...