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Results 22671-22680 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
The principal end proposed in sending you to the post to which you are ordered, is, to protect the Inhabitants of those parts, and to keep them if possible easy and quiet. I injoin it upon you, therefore, to use every means which you and your Officers shall judge advisable, to answer this salutary purpose—particularly by keeping out constant scouting parties; who with diligence, care and...
In pursuance of the Act of Congress, passed May 1. 1810, entitled “An Act for the relief of Arthur St. Clair,[”] I hereby direct that the sum of two thousand Dollars be paid to him, out of the monies, and on the conditions, stated in the said Act. RC ( DNA : RG 217, Manning File).
You will proceed to Rhode Island and use yr utmost Industry and Influence in raising the Regiment on the Continental Establishmt to which You was appointed by the Genl Assembly of that State, on the Condition & Terms prescribed by Resolve of Congress on that subject. You will appoint some place to which the Recruits may conveniently repair to be disciplined, and omit no Opportunity of...
I thank you, dear Sir, for the copy of the interesting narrative of the Complot d’Arnold which you have been so kind as to send me. it throws lights on that incident of history which we did not possess before an incident which merits to be known, as a lesson to mankind, in all it’s details. this mark of your attention recalls to my mind the earlier period of life at which I had the pleasure of...
I have just recd. your letter of the 15th. with the papers returned from Richmond by Mr. Venable. I am certainly not wanting in any of the recollections which ought to inspire my best wishes for the prosperity of Nassau-Hall. But the particular relations in which I stand to another Institution, more than that, deficient, both in Professorships, and in the means of providing them would of...
Morristown [ New Jersey ] February 1, 1780 . Thanks Condict for his warning of a possible attack on Washington. Df , in writings of George Washington and H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Condict, a member of the New Jersey Council, was a resident of Morristown, New Jersey.
I am much indebted to you for your obliging letter, and the concern you express for my personal safety. The apprehensions you have are very naturally suggested by my present situation rather remote from the army; but as the possibility of such an attempt as you mention had occured to me, precautions, which I think will be effectual, have been used to guard against it. So far from the hint you...
Your kindness on a former occasion in procuring me the cyder of Newark, encourages me to trouble you again in the same way. I should be very glad to get eight barrels of the first quality, to be forwarded here as soon as it is in a proper state to move. your engaging this for me will be thankfully acknoleged. I hope we shall see you on the first day of the session, as the unavoidable absence...
Being here for about a fortnight longer, I recieved at this place yesterday your favor of the 2d. inst. and immediately wrote to Washington to have the cyder recieved & bottled. you have not mentioned the price . be so good as to do it, & the money shall be immediately remitted, with many thanks for your kind attention to this matter. I have just recieved information that Capt. Preble has...
ALS : Pierpont Morgan Library I send you enclos’d the Letter you desire. But as I am apprehensive that the young Gentleman may have flattered himself with Expectations that are never likely to be answered in that Country, I wish he would consider it well before he undertakes such a Voyage. If he will take the Trouble of calling on me, perhaps I may afford him some useful Lights on the Subject....