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Results 22651-22680 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
22651 Henry, Patrick Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Patrick Henry, 31 March 1777 1777-03-31 By the Bearer Lieut. Jas. Meriwether I send two hundred and thirty six pounds 16/. for the...
22652 Cox, —— Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from ——— Cox, [before or during … 1777-04-01 AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Cox presents his Compliments to Doctr. Franklin. Cannot...
22653 Virginia Assembly II. Depositions concerning Claims to Lands under … 1777-04-01 In pursuance of a Resolution of the last General Convention of Virginia appointing us Paul...
22654 Knox, Hugh Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Hugh Knox, [April–May 1777] 1777-04-01 A pretty fair opportunity Just offering for Philada., I could not omit acknowledging the receipt...
22655 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, April 1777 1777-04-01 The young folks desire Mamma to return thanks for their Letters which they will properly notice...
22656 Varnum, James Mitchell Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General James … 1777-04-01 Your Excellency’s Commands of the 3rd March last, I received the 18th of said Month; Agreeable to...
22657 Adams, John Warren, James From John Adams to James Warren, 1 April 1777 1777-04-01 Having an opportunity by So carefull an Hand as Captain Wentworth of Portsmouth, I have ventured...
22658 Chaumont Contract between Chaumont and the American … 1777-04-01 ADS : New York Public Library; DS and AD (draft): American Philosophical Society Conventions de...
22659 Williams, Jonathan Jr. American Commissioners Jonathan Williams, Jr., to the American Commissioners … 1777-04-01 ALS : University of Virginia Library; letterbook copy: Yale University Library I received your...
22660 Penet, Pierre Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Penet, 1 April 1777 1777-04-01 ALS : American Philosophical Society Celle ci est pour avoir l’honneur de vous prevenir qu’il...
22661 Washington, George General Orders, 1 April 1777 1777-04-01 Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
22662 Washington, George Boudinot, Elias From George Washington to Elias Boudinot, 1 April 1777 1777-04-01 I am authorizd by Congress to appoint a Commissary of Prisoners —The pay will, I expect, be about...
22663 Glover, John Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General John … 1777-04-01 I recd your Excellys esteem’d favour of the 3 Ulto Adviseing that by a Resolve of the Honble the...
22664 Grayson, William Washington, George To George Washington from Colonel William Grayson, 1 … 1777-04-01 I return’d the day before yesterday from Maryland, & am sorry to inform you that the recruiting...
22665 Heath, William Washington, George To George Washington from Major General William Heath … 1777-04-01 This will be handed to your Excellency by Monsieur Mauduit de Plesis, who lately arrived here...
22666 Washington, George Lee, Charles From George Washington to Major General Charles Lee, 1 … 1777-04-01 I am to inform you, that Congress not perceiving that any advantage would be derived either to...
22667 Washington, George Livingston, William From George Washington to William Livingston, 1 April … 1777-04-01 I have been honoured with yours of the 17th and 26th March. I communicated the intelligence you...
22668 Webb, Samuel Blachley Washington, George To George Washington from Colonel Samuel Blachley Webb … 1777-04-01 Want of proper intelligence from my recruiting Officers has been my principle reason for not...
22669 Morris, Robert Jay, John To John Jay from Robert Morris, 1 April 1777 1777-04-01 The enclosed letters came by a French Ship to New Hampshire & were sent under Cover to me by M r...
22670 Jefferson, Thomas Washington, George From Thomas Jefferson to George Washington, [ca. 1 … 1777-04-01 The bearer Horseley enlisted for 2 years in a company raised in this county for one of the Virga....
22671 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, 2 April 1777 1777-04-02 I sit down to write tho I feel very Languid; the approach of Spring unstrings my nerves, and the...
22672 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 2 April 1777 1777-04-02 Yesterdays Post brought me your kind Favour of March 8. 9. 10, with a Letter inclosed for from...
22673 Smith, Isaac Sr. Adams, John Isaac Smith Sr. to John Adams, 2 April 1777 1777-04-02 Yours by Docto. Jackson I received last week, he had letters to Others likewise. I waited on him...
22674 New York Committee of Correspondence Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from the New York Committee of … 1777-04-02 We received Your’s of the 29th. Ultimo and are extream⟨ly⟩ sorry to hear of your Indisposition....
22675 Hamilton, Alexander New York Committee of Correspondence From Alexander Hamilton to the New York Committee of … 1777-04-02 [ Morristown, New Jersey, April 2, 1777. On April 5, 1777, Hamilton, writing to the New York...
22676 American Commissioners Murray, David, Viscount Stormont The American Commissioners to Lord Stormont, 2 April … 1777-04-02 ALS : the Johns Hopkins University Library; AL (draft): Library of Congress; copy: Public Record...
22677 Franklin, Benjamin “Model of a Letter of Recommendation of a Person You … 1777-04-02 AL : (draft): Library of Congress; copy: Morristown National Historical Park The Bearer of this...
22678 Franklin, Benjamin Turgot, Anne-Robert-Jacques, baron de l’Aulne From Benjamin Franklin to [Anne-Robert-Jacques Turgot … 1777-04-02 AL (draft): Library of Congress M. Cenis being at Bourdeaux, will easily find Ships there bound...
22679 Franklin, Benjamin Washington, George From Benjamin Franklin to George Washington, 2 April … 1777-04-02 LS and AL (draft): Library of Congress As I see that the Congress has resolved upon raising 3000...
22680 Williams, Jonathan Jr. American Commissioners Jonathan Williams, Jr., to the American Commissioners … 1777-04-02 ALS : American Philosophical Society; letterbook copy: Yale University Library I had the pleasure...