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Results 22641-22650 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Your favour of the 10th. has given me great pleasure I conjectured and concluded you were absent on one of your Summer Excursions, which in your Circumstances I very much applaud; and therefore felt no Uneasiness at not hearing from you sooner. Another Edition of the Sketches will soon be out; and will exhibit, such Examples of Navel Intrepidity, as the World has no Idea of; such as have been...
You must live to be 77 years and 9 months old, before you can know how much I am obliged to you for your favour of the 5th. Pray tell me Something of the Biography of Mr St. George Tucker of Virginia. I cannot Speak of the political morsell of his, without extravagance. I know not which to admire most, its Simplicity, its Beauty its Pathos, its Philosophy, its Morality, its Religion, or its...
Permit me to inform thee that the appointment of men residing out of this city to offices, the duties of which require their residence here, produces great uneasiness in our party, especially as so many of the active friends of the Administration residing here, are abundantly capable of discharging the duties of those offices and remain unnoticed, while many clintonians are continued in office...
I took the liberty of sending you, by this day’s mail a small pamphet, entitled “An Enquiry &c.”—concerning the right of expatriation. Should it contain any thing, to excite your approbation, I shall be pleased at having written it. With the greatest respect I am Your Most obdt. Humble Ser RC ( DLC : Rives Collection, Madison Papers). Johnson referred to An Inquiry into the Natural Rights of...
In conformity with General orders dated 24th. July 1813, the court martial held in the city of Baltimore, to try Such prisoners as may be brought before it, beg leave respectfully to State, that in the course of the trial of James Cook a private in the 16th. regt. U. States infantry, testimony was aduced proving that he had deserted twice, independent of the desertions for which he was...
I have for sometime past felt the importance if not the necessity of addressing you relative to the alarming situation of this part of the Mississippi Territory—but having communicated the leading facts to some friends in Congress, & also availed myself of the relation I stand in to the Post Master General as his deputy at this place; I have flattered my self that every end would be answered...
13 August 1813 , “ Montesano, near Baton Rouge .” “It is my belief that no Post Master in the United States, can have discharged the duties of his office, with more credit to himself & general satisfaction to the Public, than Mr. Thos. B. Johnson, our Post Master since several years at New Orleans; nor do I know another Person, in whom Government could place a better founded confidence in any...
Your letter of Aug. 3. asking information on the subject of mr Oliver Evans’s exclusive right to the use of what he calls his Elevators, Conveyers, and Hopper-boys , has been duly recieved. my wish to see new inventions encouraged, and old ones brought again into useful notice, has made me regret the circumstances which have followed the expiration of his first patent. I did not expect the...
I am just favored with yours of the 12th. I hope the arrival of Gen: Bloomfield will lessen the military collisions which take place in your neighborhood. In the mean time your sentimts. & those of the Secy. of State must be useful. The step you have taken for strengthening the defence at Annapolis appears to be very proper. A proper understanding and concert between Washington Baltimore &...
I recd. your favor of the 18th. July a few days only before I left Washington, which was on the 9th. instant. If any doubt had ever existed of the patriotism or bravery of the Citizens of Kentucky, it would have been turned into an admiration of both by the tests to which the war has put them. Nor could any who are acquainted with your history and character, wish the military services of your...