James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Thomas C. Levins, 14 June 1827

From Thomas C. Levins

28 Green St. N.Yk, June 14th. 1827


A few weeks since I had the honour of addressing you relatively to the Professorship of Mathcs. in the Virginia University.1 I then stated my wish to be admitted to fill the station, shd. I be deemed worthy, and shd. the present professor resign. The present letter is written, simply under the impression my former communication might not have been received.

On the subject I wrote to the Honble Mr. Calhoun, requesting him to write to you.2 I am, with much respect—yr. obdt. servt.

Thos. C Levins

RC (ViU: Special Collections, Madison Papers). Cover docketed by JM.

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