Results 22621-22670 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
The Letter you did me the Honor to write Yesterday, enclosing one to Judge Cushing Judge Willson...
I am honoured with your letter of May 3. and obliged by your kind notice of what I had written on...
AL : Harvard University Library Dr. Franklin presents his Compliments to Mr. Almon, and sends him...
I have been duly favored with your two letters—both of the 21st. The approbation of the Court of...
(Private) Dear Sir, Philadelphia Mar. 31st 1794. Your favor of the 20th instt, with its...
I have received with great pleasure your favour of March 14th. Mr Ticknor informes me that Dugald...
Inclosed is copy of the last which we took the Honor of forwarding to your Excellency by the New...
I left Paris about ten days ago and came to this place, intending to take passage in the Dublin...
20 February 1805, Lisbon . “The accompanying are duplicates of my letters of the 9th & 12th Inst,...
I have two letters from you of the 18th: and 28th: of last Month to answer—And since the receipt...
The Necessities of the Writers employed under my Direction as well as my own, and the Poverty of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: William L. Clements Library We have now the Pleasure...
I have recd. the copy of the papers communicated to the B. Parliament which you were so good as...
22634[Diary entry: 22 July 1788] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 22d. Thermometer at 62 in the Morng.—76 at Noon, and 72 at Night. Morning clear with the...
226358. (Adams Papers)
Went over to Hingham.
22636[Diary entry: 4 December 1799] (Washington Papers)
4. Morning clear—wind at No. Wt. and Mer. at 36. From 10 oclock until 2 very like for Snow. It...
I have been honoured with your letter of Oct. 9. by Mr. Barrett. No intimation has yet come to my...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have had the honour of your two favours dated the 3d. and...
I gave your letter addressed to Mrs Warren into the hands of her husband, and tho, you inform me,...
I Have the Honour to here Inclose a Consise Catalogue of a valuable Collection of Books Just Rec...
[ Boston, September 20, 1796. On October 24, 1796, Hall and Stimpson wrote to Hamilton : “We...
I landed here this Evening with a Commission from the President of the United States,...
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 22d. of March, and, the packets...
ALS : Duke University Library The frequent accounts of your Intentions of leaving England, also...
The Clothing to be furnished from the several Counties was by a general regulation to be...
I have the honor to enclose you a Copy of a Communication, I made on yesterday to the Territorial...
22647General Orders, 21 December 1778 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
In my despatches of the 29th Ultimo, I did myself the honor to acquaint your Excellency with the...
(Private) Dear Sir Mount Vernon 25th June 1794. Your letter of the 18th instt came to me by the...
I Lodge this Letter with the Pilot at the Light House to deliver you, which will inform you that...
I rec d yesterday your favor of the 13 th proposing to purchase the copper plate engraving of the...
ALS : Yale University Library I received your kind Letter of Nov. 22. and thank you for your good...
pursuant to my Instructions from Major General Gates, I have examined the Ferrys from Bristol to...
I am honored with your letters of the 24th and 25th: to which I beg leave to defer a particular...
There never was a Government upon earth, so much imposed upon as ours is at present, by some of...
4 January 1804, Beaufort. “Enclosed you will receive a list of American Seamen to whom...
The Biography of Mr Vander Kemp would require a Volume which I could not write if a Milion were...
Although I wanted materials for a letter, I should have droped you a few lines had I not been...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Library of Congress Agreeable to the Directions of...
Your favor of Feb. 26. has been duly recieved. it was not till lately that I recieved mr Wirt ’s...
22661General Orders, 9 June 1782 (Washington Papers)
Some doubts having arisen respecting the nature and extent of Major General Heaths Command since...
Since I had the pleasure of being at Monticello , the unsettled state of my health has totally...
I take the earliest opportunity of informing you, that the Baron Steuben has returned from Canada...
Some Notes on the claim of rents by Frances , Lucy & Nancy C. Henderson . The loss I have...
However my Letters may be short and unentertaining, you will I am sure give me Credit for...
I think it my duty to inform you that a favorable Decree has been just obtained in the case of...
Humbly petitioning showeth Timothy Prout of Scarborough in the county of Cumberland Esqr. 1. That...
22668[Diary entry: 18 December 1772] (Washington Papers)
18 Mr. Boucher, his Wife & Sister came to Dinner. GW means Boucher’s unmarried sister Jane...
Be it enacted by the General Assembly, that on the first day of January, in every year there...
22670Cash Accounts, February 1768 (Washington Papers)
Cash Feby 14— To Ditto [cash] recd of Messrs Carlyle & Adam £75. 0.0 To Ditto of Mr Humphrey...