Results 22621-22630 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
The Letter you did me the Honor to write Yesterday, enclosing one to Judge Cushing Judge Willson...
I am honoured with your letter of May 3. and obliged by your kind notice of what I had written on...
AL : Harvard University Library Dr. Franklin presents his Compliments to Mr. Almon, and sends him...
I have been duly favored with your two letters—both of the 21st. The approbation of the Court of...
(Private) Dear Sir, Philadelphia Mar. 31st 1794. Your favor of the 20th instt, with its...
I have received with great pleasure your favour of March 14th. Mr Ticknor informes me that Dugald...
Inclosed is copy of the last which we took the Honor of forwarding to your Excellency by the New...
I left Paris about ten days ago and came to this place, intending to take passage in the Dublin...
20 February 1805, Lisbon . “The accompanying are duplicates of my letters of the 9th & 12th Inst,...
I have two letters from you of the 18th: and 28th: of last Month to answer—And since the receipt...