Results 22611-22620 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
22611 Franklin, Benjamin Washington, George From Benjamin Franklin to George Washington, 29 March … 1777-03-29 ALS : National Archives; AL (draft): Library of Congress The Bearer, Monsr. Dorcet, is extreamly...
22612 Alexander, William Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from William Alexander, 29 March … 1777-03-29 ALS : American Philosophical Society I leave no letter from you unanswerd, but wait your orders...
22613 Williams, Jonathan Sr. Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Jonathan Williams, Sr., 29 … 1777-03-29 ALS : American Philosophical Society Doubtless you will be pleas’d to hear that notwithstanding...
22614 Williams, Jonathan Jr. Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Jonathan Williams, Jr., 29 … 1777-03-29 ALS : American Philosophical Society; letterbook copy: Yale University Library I have not...
22615 Washington, George General Orders, 29 March 1777 1777-03-29 Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
22616 Boudinot, Elisha Washington, George To George Washington from Elisha Boudinot, 29 March … 1777-03-29 Letter not found: from Elisha Boudinot, 29 Mar. 1777. GW wrote Boudinot on this date “I recd...
22617 Washington, George Boudinot, Elisha From George Washington to Elisha Boudinot, 29 March … 1777-03-29 I recd yours of this day and am much obliged to you for the pains you have been at to obtain...
22618 Washington, George Bradley, Philip Burr From George Washington to Col. Philip Burr Bradley, 29 … 1777-03-29 Letter not found: to Col. Philip Burr Bradley, 29 Mar. 1777. Robert Hanson Harrison docketed...
22619 Washington, George Hancock, John From George Washington to John Hancock, 29 March 1777 1777-03-29 I last night had the Honor to receive your Letter of the 26th Instt accompanied by sundry...
22620 Washington, George Hancock, John From George Washington to John Hancock, 29 March 1777 1777-03-29 Since I had the Honor of addressing you this morning by the Return Express, the Eastern post...