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Results 22521-22530 of 184,431 sorted by author
Middlesex, 12 Apr. 1781 . Was appointed with Col. George Daniel a commissioner of the specific tax for Middlesex, “and Agreeable to Law we appointed commissioners to receive the said Taxes and gave public notice thereof, as also of the places appointed for the People to cary their grain.” Daniel and Bird also appointed, among others, Mr. William Chowning a deputy “for the purpose of seizing...
The public debt of the United States of America being to be taken into consideration during the present Session of Congress, it is probable that for the purpose of raising a sum of money in Europe, an Agent or Agents may be wanted to negociate a loan, or to undertake the payment of interest to the European creditors of the united States. Conceiving that to answer this purpose it may be thought...
That your Memorialist and Petitioner came from London to America early in the Year 1794 to endeavour to recover Debts due to him at that time to the Amount of upward of Five Thousand Pounds—and that he has not been able (by all his exertions) to recover 5 per Ct. in real value, but has been obliged to labour hard for a very scanty Living, since he was upwards of 50 Years of Age (tho’ not ever...
Agreeably to the resolution of our Democratic republican friends in this quarter, I do myself the pleasure to inclose you two copies of certain resolutions unanimously adopted at a red Lion meeting on the 3. Curt. Wishing you the full enjoyment of uninterupted health, I am very Respectfully, your Hb Sert. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
With extreme concern I have beheld the inclosed publication ; and have read it with those emotions, which will actuate the honest heart of every genuine democratic Republican of the State. The piece is vile and slanderous beyond measure. It is a collection of falshood from beginning to end; and the authors and abettors thereof, ought to be put down. Those who are within your reach , ought, in...
Since our Election, a report is in circulation in this State, and in Pennsylvania, that Allen McLane, is to be removed from Office —and, that I am to be appointed his successor. What authority there is for this report, I cannot discover—altho it is in the mouths of all parties! Will you, therefore, permit me to hope, that you will be pleased to inform me if this proceeding will take place,—and...
I had the Honor to write you on the 10th. ultimo—Stateing my application for the Office of Collector of the Customs for the District of Delaware, in case a vacancy should happen, by the removal, or resignation of the present officer—: To which be pleased to refer. In that Letter I took the Liberty to recommend your Excellency to Governor Hall, and C: A: Rodney Esquire, for information, with...
Having formerly served in the 1st. Sub Legion and deranged there from in the year 96 at Detroit and traveled to this state (my previous Residence) from whence I visited philada after Incuring all the Expences of a Deranged Officer I was fortunate Enough to Come into service in the place of a wounded and superanuated Officer— I came into service it is true; but the Object of this letter is to...
I received your letter of the 22nd May on the 15th June with its Contents and Conformbly to your orders have written to 2nd Lieut. Daniel Newnon at Fort McHenry where I have learnt he is Mr Love has Joined me Since the receipt of your letter I have made but Small progress in the recruiting business as yet the young men of the county being most all engaged in Making of crops but should my...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Having the honour of your Protection to establish the fabrication of woolen Cloth in the United states of North america (and the same time I gave You the patterns of Cloth, Cazimear, Ratteen, &c which I manufactur’d in france) For the completeing of the same, and according to my promis, I take the liberty to give you a detail of what I am Capable of...