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Results 2251-2280 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
D’aprés la lettre de recommandation de mon digne ami feu General Kosciuzsko de Soleure du 3 Juin 1817 que j’eus lhonneur de vous addresser le 25 suivant , avec le plan & Copie de mes terres par duplicata: N’ayant pas eu l’honneur d’être favorisé de vos nouvelles Je me permis de vous écrire le 18 mai d er sur le même Sujet, en me référant à leur contenu. Je me permets de joindre inclus une...
I have received your letter of the sixth instant, and have directed Major Tousarde to signify to you that your request of a furlough is granted. The necessity of regularity would have had lead me to refer you to Major Jackson had not Major Tousarde written to me on the Subject— ( Df , in the handwriting of Thomas Y. How, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress).
The Attorney for the District of Virginia has presented to the accounting officers of the Treasury Department, a claim against the United States for his services in attending at Norfolk by direction from the Secy. of State, in order to take depositions respecting a british vessel alledged to have been taken by a french privateer within the limits of the United States; which claim has been...
Your Excellencys Proposition of the 12th Inst. to me in behalf of this county I received yesterday where I had assembled the greater part of the People together to make out the relief going down to Genl. Muhlenbergs head Quarters, which gave me at once an oppertunity of making it known. The one fourth of those who are able to do Militia Service are now going down, and one third being already...
When I wrote my letter of the day before yesterday , I had not yet had time to look into the pamphlets you had been so kind as to send me. I have now entered on them, and find in the very entrance an article so interesting as to induce me to trouble you with a second letter. it is the first paper of the 1 st fasciculus of published by the Belfast society in which mr Richardson gives an account...
Your letter dated the 3d. inst. inclosing a Copy of the instructions you have forwarded to Mr. Short, came to my hands by the mail of Wednesday. The appointment of that gentleman to negotiate the Loans in Holland, and the Instructions you have given for his government, meet my approbation. The first as no inconvenience it is conceived will result from his absence from Paris, is a measure of...
I beg leave to suggest to Your Excellency that it is a matter of great importance for me to be acquainted with our several Harbours—their depth of Water within and leading to them and all the difficulties & circumstances attending their navigation. at present this knowledge is more peculiarly essential with respect to the Eastern Ports & particularly in the instance of New London. In the...
I duly reciev’d thy verry able letter of the 13 th In s , and have greatly to regret that the public had not been possessd of the views thou hast there taken of the subject, before the late trial of O Evans v s Sam l Robinson in the circuit court at Baltimore —had it been the case, the result of that trial must have terminated the question betwe e
I arrived at this place on the 11 th Instant. I did not immediately send you the enclosed, because I thought before this to have seen you, but I have been awaiting the arrival of a Ship from Livourne with some of my work in marble on board. I. think that all the marble caps will be in the first ship which arrives here. After the marble pieces arrive & the season becomes fine I shall be with...
Nous avons l’honneur de vous remettre ci Joint l’extrait de a/ c dans lequel vous ayant Credité de R on . 520,000 que nous compta pour vous M. Gardoqui le 21 de ce Mois vous ne devez pour Solde que rrv on . 150702.19. lesquels a 15 12 font £37778.13.3 que vous vous prions de disposer sur M r . Franklin de Paris d’apres la faculte que vous en avez. Moyennant quoi nos comptes seront Soldés et il...
By the Act of Congress of the 30 Instant, herewith enclosed, your Excellency will observe that Majr. Genl. Greene is appointed to take the Command in the southern Department; and you will also receive the necessary Information of the Powers and Instructions given to him by Congress, and that it is earnestly recommended to the Legislatures and Executives from the Delaware State to Georgia...
I received your favor of the 17th Inst. yesterday evening. No certain conclusions can be drawn of the enemy’s designs on the Jersey from the fitting up of their flat bottomed boats. If part of them are going to the West Indies they will want them there. It will not therefore be altogether advisable on the present appearance of things to call out the militia—But in order to guard against the...
from having been often at Sea. & having once served in the artellary US I have frequently endeavour to find a method by which to render our present means of defense more formidable,    the objection which naval gentleman have, to carrying dangerous furnaces on board their Ships & gun boats, alone prevent their being more than 3 times as formidable as the would be with these means by which,...
John Oakley as Justice of the peace for the County of Washington District of Columbia has four Constables to wait on him before Breakfast every day and they having their pockets filled with Warrants Accounts, Blank Supersedeses &c. &c. &c. entertain him so completely throughout the Day that he has not dined 6 times in two Months To Morrow I am engaged in taking Bail from a Colonel for...
I duly received your letter of the 12th instant. My avocations have not permitted me sooner to comply with your desire. I have looked over the papers & suggested alterations & corrections; and I have also numbered the paragraphs I. II. III &c. in the order in which it appears to me eligible they should stand in the Speech. I thought upon full reflection you could not avoid an allusion to your...
2266General Orders, 27 October 1776 (Washington Papers)
Lieut: Sickles of Genl Scott’s Brigade, tried by a Court Martial whereof Col. Holman was President, and convicted of “disobeying General Orders, by loading a Waggon with Goods, not the proper baggage of the regiment; and also when charged therewith of behaving in a scandalous, infamous manner, unbecoming an officer and the Gentlemen”—The Court sentenced him to be cashiered—The General approves...
I came to this place a few days ago, and embrace this as the first oppertunity that has offered of Inclosing Invoices for such Goods as are wanting for Master Custis’s Plantations and mine on York River where I have the Satisfaction to find that our Crops are secured, and tolerably good, having escaped a Frost that has destroyed much Tobacco in many parts of the Country, and injured me a good...
I have this moment received your Letter of this morning and am happy in your acceptance of the office of Chief Justice. The Circumstances however of the times render it necessary that I should request and Authorise you, as I do by this Letter, to continue to discharge all the Duties of Secretary of State, untill ulteriour Arrangements can be made. With great Esteem, I have the / Honor to be,...
2269Editorial Note (Adams Papers)
In England the probate of wills of personalty was within the jurisdiction of the ecclesiastical courts, although many related questions, both of administration and distribution, had to be tried at law or in equity. The ecclesiastical courts had no power over wills of realty, because the common law claimed exclusive jurisdiction of title questions. Such wills were proved only if an action at...
2270General Orders, 24 March 1776 (Washington Papers)
The Enemy still continuing in the harbour, without any apparent cause for it, after Winds and Weather have favoured their sailing; leaves abundant reason to suspect, that they may have some design of aiming a blow at us before they depart—The General therefore in the strongest terms imaginable, recommends to the commanding Officer of every Corps, to prevent his men that are off duty, from...
The choice of your delegates to the General Meeting of the Cincinnati gave me pleasure, & I wish very sincerely that you would all attend;—Let me impress this upon you, with a request that you would impress it upon your Brothers of the delegation. This meeting, taking into consideration the prejudices and jealousies which have arisen, should not only be respectable in numbers, but respectable...
Letter not found. 30 May 1810. Acknowledged in Cathcart to JM, 13 Aug. 1810 . Orders wine.
16 January 1802, Copenhagen. Last wrote on 15 Aug. since when Denmark has acceded to treaty between Great Britain and Russia. Danish and British officials have been sent to West Indies to arrange transfer of islands. Acknowledges JM’s 1 Aug. circular letter and notes its instructions regarding ships bought in his district by U.S. citizens; has not hitherto thought himself authorized to grant...
2274[Diary entry: 1 February 1785] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 1st. Mercury at 29 in the Morning, 28 at Noon and 34 at Night. Snowing, raining, or Hailing all day & Night and very disagreeable. Wind at No. Wt. and West the whole time.
I received yesterday your favour of the 6th Instant. I have lately written pressingly to the Secretary of War on the subject of the Revd: Mr: Hill, and have enclosed him the oration he made commemorative of the military and civil virtues of our late Commander in Chief, as a Specimen of his talents. If you will permitt me, I will postpone communicating to him the contents of your letter, till...
I have received your favr of the 27th May—and am much concerned to find that Capt. Asgill has been sent on notwithstandg the Information which you had received of there being two unconditional Prisoners of War in our possession—I much fear that the Enemy, knowg our Delicacy respectg the propriety of Retaliating upon a Capitulation Officer in any Case, and being acquainted that unconditional...
On my return here two days ago after an absence of two months in Bedford , I found here your letter of Nov. 25. the cyder which I used to procure from Norfolk was obtained thro’ the channel of Col o Newton member of Congress from that district. he always purchased and shipped it for me. the difficulty I experienced was in getting it brought without being watered by the sailors. I have no doubt...
Copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania Permit me to thank you for your very agreeable Letter of the 7th. of October last, and of expressing my Obligation to you for your kind Inclination of serving Mr. McCreery in the Negociating his Certificates of our Continental Loan Office, but am sorry you were with some reason “ told that our Money had depriciated ” and that therefore “ you could not...
I request the favour of you to present for me the inclosed Bill & when paid to remit the amount in bills of the Bank of the UStates. Yrs. ALS , Yale University Library. This letter is undated but is endorsed “April, 1793” in an unidentified handwriting.
The Foregoing is a Copy of my last respects to you, Since which I have been honoured with Mr. B. Smith’s Letter of the 16th: october ul timo transmitting to me proofs of the Citizensh ip & your ord ers for my application for the release, of Thomas Williams, an american Seaman, who had been taken on board of a british vessel, and was detained in the prison Ship: I am happy to have it in my...